Need prayer

Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

My surgery for a craniotomy is for January the 24th, which is not too far away. It's for my annie on left side of my brain.

Can you please pray for me and my surgeon, that all will be well and for a speedy recovery. Thank you all and God Bless

Nikki x x

(((Nikki)))...I had a big sigh reading your post...I can't believe your craniotomy is again around the corner...sweet continue to have my prayers and your surgeon...Hang tight and keep the faith...Sending out Positive Vibes your way ~ Colleen

Hi Nickki, I know exactly how you feel honey. My clipping is just 10 days away on the 14th. Ive been doing a lot of praying and taking something to keep me calm. I will pray for you and all those who will lay hands on you. May God bless and keep you. Valerie

Hugs and prayers to both of you. The stress is huge but stay strong.

I am 14 months post left cerebral craniotomy and know the stress you are both feeling. We are here to support each other and help as much as possible.

Blessings, Jeanne

Will keep you and the upcoming surgery in my thoughts and prayers.

hi nikki ! praying now for you - you too Valerie!!!!!

Nikki and Valerie, My prayers to both of you !!


I will be praying for peace for you everyday, Nikki. I will be praying for the surgeon to be well rested and a steady hand as he repairs your aneurysm. God Bless you, Nikki.


Hi, I'll be praying.

Hugs, Deanna

Hello Nikki, I am praying for you and your surgeon today and everyday. Wishing you the best result and recovery. Please let us know how you make out!! luv, donna w

Hello Nikki ,

Just said a prayer for you and your doctors and the same for Valerie.


Thank you so much all of you, it feels good when you have support like this.

God Bless all of you, i will keep strong. All the best Valerie, hang in there and may God Bless all of you too.

Nikki x x

Hi Nikki,

My Grandmother suffered a ruptured annie a month and a half ago which left her very poorly and she nearly died but she has defied the odds and is here with us at home with no side effects which is a miracle. We all prayed very hard and it worked so sending you lots of best wishes and prayers.

Good luck!

Ellie xx

and a prayer for Valerie too :) best wishes to you all xxx

~~Nikki-please think positive, all WILL be well with a speedy recovery as you wrote- this is our wish, this is our prayer! Amen. keep the faith! We love you!

so many prayers for you! Please keep us updated!

Sending prayers your way!

Hi Nikki, good luck with the operation, I hope all goes well and will pray for you and your surgeons that all goes well, Jill xx

You will do great, Nikki. And to think of the relief you'll have when this has been taken care of. Sending you and your surgeon prayers for perfect procedure and speedy recovery after. You can do this!!


Dear Nikki, hugs and my prayers to you for your upcoming op and a speedy and uneventful recovery. Chris