Newly Diagnosed with a Carotid Cave and scared

I have been diagnosed with a Carotid Cave aneurysm after suffering vertigo severely for about 2 years. Luckily it is small but I am experiencing unusual symptoms. About a year before the MRI I had a collapse which landed me in hospital for 2 months with symptoms similar to a TIA. I have since suffered similar attacks in hot weather and am having what is believed to be epileptic focal seizures. Some days it is hard to function and am often loosing patience, forgetting simple things or breaking down in tears. It's nice to know I'm not crazy....I just wish I didn't feel crazy.

Should I be worried?

I am a single mum of a 7 year old, with not much of a support network as I have recently had to move to the city from the country so I can be closer to my neurologist (a decision made easier when my partner decided that I was too high risk to continue a relationship with at this point in time).

How long will it take me to recover when they operate?

I also went to the ER with what they though it was vertigo then after the ct & MRI they found that I have 2 aneurysm

Gotcha in my prayers for your upcoming surgery...

hi Alethea! Everyones different-some go back to work in a few days others take weeks. I'm guessing your young and they will repair thru the femoral artery? I sur hope you get some support. Your Nuerosurgeon will tell you what to expect. We'll keep you in thoughts & prayers- let us know, we are here 24/7!

Hello Alethea! I pray that God will hold you in his hand and guide the doctors throughout your journey. During a catscan (for neck pain) my neurosurgeon found what they described as a brain abnormality. A moment of insanity propted me to an ignore it and is not real approach. I do not recommend this to anybody. A year later my pain management team strongly urged that I deal with the issue. In December of 2012 I was diagnosed with two small aneurysms in the right frontal lobe. My surgeon felt they may never be a real issue and suggested yearly monitoring. I was taken by whirlwind this January when he suggested surgery to manage an unexpect growth rate. Expect the unexpected! Lots of prayer and strong will serve you best, and welcome to your support network.

Thanks Ron

I am hoping it is an easy fix :-)

Hi Alethea, welcome to the support group I hope you find some support and answers.

What you are going through is very normal before I was diagnosed last April I thought I was going insane, I would forget things get angry at the slightest thing and break down in sobbing tears for no apparent reason, I had been suffering from vertigo since February and had some treatment that did not work so went for and MRI where it was found that I had a 14mm annie on my inner carotid artery. As the vertigo had gotten so bad I could not drive for a few months I had 2 PED (stents) placed to block the flow of blood which has worked. I am older so I decided to retire as I found my job stressful but I could have gone back to work after a few weeks. There are many good doctors in Melbourne, my sister has 2 anneurysms which are being monitored and she sees a professor of neurosurgery at RMH.

Try not to stress your vertigo is not related. Have they decided how they are going to treat you.

Positive thoughts coming your way.

Feeling really anxious and frustrated. Neurologist says nothing he can, do all up to the surgeons now. Just have to wait and see what the Neurosurgeon says.

Hopefully sooner rather than later, every day is getting harder to function. I can feel myself slowing and getting fuzzier, almost like I want to pass out.....but I shake it off and keep going.

Monday I hope to get some answers :-)

Hello Althea

I hope you are able to enjoy the weekend and then get a few answers and a plan on Monday. I had a symptomatic cavernous carotid aneurysm with deterioration too and was far less anxious when I knew what to expect and a plan was in place.


Thanks Judith

It does get a bit hard at times....especially with a special needs child and being a single mum. It is hard to let go.

But on a positive note, I have the aromatherapy diffuser going and the atmosphere has a vibrant but relaxed tone in my house tonight.

I focus on my patients but never on myself, so this weekend I have Holistically consulted myself and began to help myself to be stronger before surgery.

It cant hurt right.....?

After all it is what I do for a living ....but for animals and everyone else. I just feel selfish that it has to be ME TIME.