Newbie story

Hi everyone, I’m Gillian from Scotland. I found my husband unconscious at home on 14/June/2011. He had coiling, complications with vasospasms, water on the brain and several infections. He was treated in our city neuro unit which was a 5 hr return trip for home until finally being transferred back to our local hospital on 13 sept. He is now ready for intense rehabilitation. We are both in our 40’s and I wonder how I got through the summer not only worrying about his condition but coping with 3 children as well as all the usual parts of life and all the travelling. I still don’t know what the future holds for us as its early days yet recovery wise and will spend some time over the next few days reading in the forum.

Hi Gillian and Welcome...!

I believe not only are we Survivors but so are those that care for us...

~and~ it is important that during all of this you do take time out for You...

It is a long journey ... to what I call a "new normal"...

Cyber~blessings your way and your husbands...Colleen

Hi Gillian,

Welcome to BAF. Just wanted to send best wishes for your husband's recovery and also for you as his care taker. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.


Hi Gillian,

Sending prayers your way for you and your husband. I did not have a rupture, but, I can only imagine what you all are going through. Be strong and keep posting! I am new to the site as well and welcome the input and feedback from others. There is comfort knowing you are not alone and what the process holds for the future.

Have a Blessed Evening,


Hi Gillian,

Sorry to hear of the terrible times you must have had, but know that people are here for you and send prayers and best wishes for what can only be an easier time now that your hubby is closer to home and on his path to recovery. To have overcome such gruelling long distant travel I hope now that this time can be spent recovering and taking care of BOTH of you.

Best Wishes


Your one tough Lady! My Mom had myself and three boys as well as a business to contend with while my Dad recovered from some serious surgery. 40 years later I’m still in awe of my Mother being able to cope with such adversity. Good luck and God Bless!

Gillian...welcome... please accept my prayers for your hubby's recovery. Please, no matter how his recovery is and must, for yourself and your children, regain, maintain your strength.

Any major illness is more traumatic, more wearing, on spouses/families than the individual. Your lovng husband would not want you to be putting him before the children or your health. Please take care of yourself...get your rest, and call in family and friends who are close by.

Many prayers and hugs across the Atlantic...
