Never thought that I would be here

Joe, you can discuss anything pretty much here. When we rupture, there’s a high percentage that doesn’t make it, we all know it, it’s part of having a rupture. The odds are pretty much against us for the first two years if we do survive a rupture.

I am an organ donor, but sometimes I think about donating my entire remains to a medical college like my Mom did. I tease my family that I’m going to write a letter to see if the Residents can find all the injuries I’ve done to my body with a little explanation just to help them out. I see organ donation as a way to pass it forward. When I was air lifted to the hospital that did my coiling, I told them several times that I was an organ donor and they told me they weren’t discussing that yet. For 21 days of my 26 day stay, my family was told that I might not make it to the next. That took its toll on my loved ones much more than on me.

I have never known someone who ruptured having the blood drained with a needle. I too wonder about why they didn’t try to coil or do a craniotomy. I know I couldn’t have mine until the next morning as I was given too much medication between the local hospital and the helicopter flight so they had to stabilize me. So about 15 hours from the time I ruptured to when they could get started.

Sheri sounds like she was a fantastic life partner for you and you for her. You both sound like you balanced each other out. It’s not easy to find a partner that can do this with us and I’m happy to read you both did with each other! I’m happy you have a lot of support, ask for help when you need it with them or with us, we are here for you.

I came up with a saying when my Dad was receiving his Last Rights and the retired Priest was going on ad nauseam, death sucks, but only for the living.

We do have a Wall of Remembrance here Wall of Remembrance