Neuropsychology Evaluation

Good for you Sheri! My aftercare has been severely lacking in the areas you describe, I'm so happy to hear about your pursuit of this option. I hope you find some helpful answers with the testing - looking forward to hearing about your results. Thank you so much for sharing.

I highly recommend lumosity! I had 6 weeks of neuro rehab. This place had a program that only treated various neuro patients and doing some of the games on lumosity was part of my therapy. I truly believe that the 6 weeks I spent in thus outpatient neuro rehab is responsible for my near miraculous recovery. I did see a neuropsychologist for testing before my rehab physician would approve my release to return to work as an RN. 9 weeks after my aSAH I returned to work full time. 8 months later, I returned to college for my BSN. I will graduate in august of this year.

Sorry for the typos. I tend to do that when typing replies from my phone. Fat fingers lol

I just had my first neuro-psych test in January, 4-1/2 years after my SAH. It wasn't as extensive as some here are posting; mine was four hours with no breaks. I was given a thorough written report last week, which concluded that I had high verbal skills, and low visuospacial skills. I felt that the testing missed my biggest weakness, which is distractibility. The tests were conducted in a sparsely furnished office at the end of a hall, so it was silent. I was able to focus on the tests more than I'm typically able to focus on anything, and the report even stated as much (that my results might be very different if the tests were administered in another setting). So it was interesting, but not too helpful. I'm glad to have the baseline established, since there's Alzheimer's in my family. I think this sort of testing should be a no-brainer (forgive the pun) for anyone with any sort of brain injury. It's only fair for us to expect as much insight into our deficits as possible. If these tests were administered early after brain injury, it might be easier to measure cognitive recovery over time.

Anne, I don't think I referred to using equipment? I, too, am concerned about Alzheimers or other dementias, so I would be thrilled if that could be ruled out.

Anne T. said:

I have been examined by two different Neuro-Psychologists due to my memory and learning deficits - very expensive testing which was paid by the government since I was applying for Disability Benefits (I had been fired from 5 jobs in 2 yrs post aneurysm due to not being able to comprehend and learn new functions. I found the whole process difficult on my brain and very frustrating but in the end very beneficial because other important things were ruled out such as Alzheimers etc... But I am curious to know what the other testing is you are referring to using equipment? keep us posted

I understand the testing. I had it done. It was hard at first for me. Then after a while, I realized that it isn't a test. You just see where you are. It then gives you confidence to see where you are and that's better. Well it was for me anyway. I actually showed that when I worry about myself, I actually mess myself up. I get in my own way. So now I have to work on that. I am actually getting a coach for a couple of months, just to learn a few things and take them with me throughout my life. I hope I can, I know I can. Good luck and have patience with yourself.

It is encouraging to hear from all. We are surviving with disabilities that are internal and not consistent. At least for me. Middle of the day, I cannot remember words. If I push myself my head pounds and my heart races. I will be in touch with my doctor. About these developments. This support group is good. I feel I am not alone.

I feel the same way. I have these weird things and then I find out that others have it too. I mean my right nostril runs when I eat, especially in the morning, my right side is really cold and freezing a lot. Sometimes it is warm to the touch but to my brain it is freezing. All these things I have seen others have. So yes, that feels better and I am not alone. That is what helps me. You are right, the support is good. Love the BAF!!!

Ivivi said:

It is encouraging to hear from all. We are surviving with disabilities that are internal and not consistent. At least for me. Middle of the day, I cannot remember words. If I push myself my head pounds and my heart races. I will be in touch with my doctor. About these developments. This support group is good. I feel I am not alone.

OMG, I'd completely forgotten that my nose running when I ate, started after my brain issues! But it's so much less now... or am I just used to it after 4-1/2 years (keep a tissue box close by)? It does help to find out others have these same subtle symptoms; thanks Dawn.

Dawn E Mureddu said:

I feel the same way. I have these weird things and then I find out that others have it too. I mean my right nostril runs when I eat, especially in the morning, my right side is really cold and freezing a lot. Sometimes it is warm to the touch but to my brain it is freezing. All these things I have seen others have. So yes, that feels better and I am not alone. That is what helps me. You are right, the support is good. Love the BAF!!!

Ivivi said:

It is encouraging to hear from all. We are surviving with disabilities that are internal and not consistent. At least for me. Middle of the day, I cannot remember words. If I push myself my head pounds and my heart races. I will be in touch with my doctor. About these developments. This support group is good. I feel I am not alone.

Good Morning, I seem to be coming late to the party, but ... I went to a Neuropsychologist last December and am still seeing him. The tests took hours and it was not smooth sailing by any means, but the results were thorough and mapped out the damage in a way that neurologists and other docs could not. The tests provided specific areas to focus on and work to address or improve. Not everything can be expected to repair itself, but there are ways of working around them. I hope you have as much success as I did!

Wow again Iā€™m amazed at what I am learning :blush:. When I had this done I was miserable and came to hate my physicians. Of course at the time I was working full time as a special Ed. Teacher and had 4 kids in 3 different schools with a husband about to retire. I drove about an hour in Washington DC traffic in the middle of the day after working 1/2 day then turned around frustrated, exhausted and worried about the results. Wish I had been kinder to myself lol. Thanks again.

Just driving in DC traffic is enough to make one stressed @Lyd, much less everything else that was on your plate at the time! I grew up in Los Angeles County for the most part, give me seven lanes of traffic over D.C. anytime!

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Hi Sherri,

Just to help out with the statisticsā€¦I too have had cognitive testing by my neuropsychologist. It took me 2 days and many breaks to finish all the tests.

I was scheduled for 1 day too. My Dr and I talked some before I started. She didnā€™t administer the tests someone else did that. And she talked about my health and she told me to let the person know how I was doing and when I needed to rest and/or stop. So I did.

Good luck! It really helped me to know what deficiencies I had. To have it in black and white.

You should have a follow up appt. so your Dr. can discuss the results with you. My spouse was unable to go with me so I took a good friend. She took notes and helped me explain the results to my spouse. Iā€™m so glad I had someone with me too!! It was almost as hard as taking the tests!! For meā€¦that is!! And everyone is differentā€¦

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