Neuropsych testing

Has anyone taken these tests? There are so many? How do we choose, does someone choose for us? What does it say about us?

I had a neuropsych exam, it took 5 hours and was very thorough. Is what they look for is, if we are having any difficulties in our thinking, reasoning abilities, memory problems, problem solving, things of that nature… If we may have any kind of brain damage and/or if our thought process is being compromised in any way (in my case any way). Do you know why the doctor is asking for this? You don’t need to tell me, if you don’t want to. that’s O.K.

Hi Dulce~

I had tested about five months after my first coiling. Like Ben said it is a very lengthy process and can be very tiring. My PCP works with a university hospital and that is where my radiologist (coiling surgeries) and neuropysch testing were all completed. I would have your nuero recommend the neuro psych to provide your test.

The test results should be fully evaluated and then a written report will show what areas you did well in or have some concerns with. They begin the process by gathering info about you to get some general base line assessments - like education levels and activities prior to your BA. Typical of a general counseling session. Then they move on to various types of tests over the next few hours. When all is done they will review and complete a written report. The written report will provide their observations and suggestions for additional cognitive training, limitations, or other items of interest.

Hope this helps - when you do go get tested, make sure that you are very well rested, comfortable, and have plenty of time and are not rushed. If you don't know something admit and move on to have a true more realistic evaluation of your current levels assessed. Good luck to you~

Dulce, As with the others, my tests were chosen for me based on an interview and the session was very similar. I also agree with the ‘be rested’ part. It was a tiring day. At the end, the tester asked that the nature of the test not be discussed because it would compromise them with another patient. I can tell you that the report is rather stark so be prepared for the black and white nature of ‘(patient) lags behind in …’. There were also positives. Some places where my perception was that of deficit, the results were within normal range. And, I learned that I am a whole-brain thinker rather than using predominantly one side or the other. That was fun and sent me off testing this out. The brain is a very maleable organ. I suggest asking how to overcome a deficit and enhance what’s right. That way, it is an effective diagnostic tool, not just information that gets put in a folder and forgotten.

i heard that u have to have a baseline. i havent been ordered a test i was going to ask to get one. im guessing this is expensive? so maybe i would have to wait on it. how can they gauge a baseline by ur school history "I got all A's in elementary school" :)

seems silly

thanks for ur help!!!

I just recently had a neuropsych test completed. They do take a long time. Mine started at 8:30 AM and ended at 4:30 PM (break for lunch). I have still not received a copy of the test. Where I had the test the Neuropsychologist said she wanted to speak with family members but did not have enough time-and never did. But I was informed that it is completed and I will be getting a copy of it soon.

Dulce, I think I have a better understanding: you want the testing, not a doctor.

First, I want to confirm that I spent an entire day with the neuropsychologist conducting an interview with me and then selecting tests she felt would reveal information. As far as I know, that was the baseline. And, yes, it was expensive. At least, I thought ~$800 was expensive. My insurance covered it because it was ordered in conjunction with seeing a neurologist (another one besides my surgeon), but I did have to pay a deductible. Don't remember how much deductible I paid; however, I promise you I'd rather have shopped for a new blouse with the money. I have not done another testing round. I didn't hate it or anything because the entire day was like time working a crossword puzzle--challenging and fun. Why I haven't brings me to another subject.

After my craniotomy, I did have a few weak areas. Based on the testing experience, I'm sure the weakness would have shown up. But, okay, I know where I have weakness. That's not a secret. My neurosurgeon said I was doing quite well on some fronts and lagging behind on others. Let me point out what I had to be hit over the head with. Truly, a duh, why didn't I think of that. Here goes: Neurosurgeons are neurologist. He could have ordered the test. Would have, if I'd insisted. The surgeon and I decided another test would tell us what we already knew so we focused on how to improve the deficits. The conclusion was I would be able to tract improvements without physical therapy or any kind of additional testing. That has proven true. For instance, I lost the ability to print or write cursively or type. Today, after much practice, I'm typing this message to you and keeping a journal. Printing and cursive need more work. Here's the rub, not every deficit is as obvious as mine. I hope these examples help you have a discussion with your physician about these tests.

Just curious, why do you feel these tests are necessary. Perhaps if you can write that to me the very act of writing it will help you focus thoughts. (Don't know what is going on with the computer!)


Do you not have med insurance to cover this neuropsych testing? If that is the case, I would recommend you visit your local Social Security office and see if they will do the testing...

If I recall correctly, you had talked of going on disability...

My insurance had paid for the initial neuropsych testing which can be a joke if it is team work... Mine noted "sensorimenotr exam was deferred" ...not only was it was never scheduled.

The quality of testing contracted by SS far exceeded my initial team work...

If you do not have neuropsych testing covered by your insurance, please visit your local SS office. Best of wishes...



A variance of my local neuropsych testing to that of thecontracted neuropsych testing of SS was tremendous...I preferred the latter...I'd not have have known half from the first than I learned from the second...He was very specific that the data (test results) can / should be provided...and, also referenced that they were not in my first story format... a/k/a the written record. It was truly an opening for me...

When that testing was done, my SS disability was immediately put into effect and the back pay provided...

Aside from that, quality testing / explanation helps us to comprehend / know which therapy(ies) may yet be needed... After you receive your copy, study it before your meeting... And, also, feel free to ask us any questons here....just remember we can only provide our personal opinions and experiences...


Thanks-I received it was very through and stated more or less what I thought all along.


That's great you got it; and, could understand it... when I got my first one...I - could - have - read - each - word - and not understood the sentence... I could remember one 4 word sentence... "sensorimotor testing was deferred" ...only I didnot have a clue what sensorimotor was... and I still stumble on it...


Hi Dulce. I did have a testing done back in October of 2008. It was a 2 day process, 8 hrs. of testing for both days. Very grueling and tiring, but it showed what I had already known about my brain deficits and my thinking and analyzing and reacting to different things were all off. Also, I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder so that along with all these other mental issues is what I have been dealing with since 2005.