My Story

As a teen and young adult I had a history of severe migraine headaches. Approximately 2.5 months ago the headaches became worse and would occur at different times during the day. I would be sitting, reading or relaxing then suddenly a intense, stabbing, jolt of pain occurred on the left side of my head- this caused me to cry out in pain. The pain would last a few seconds. I became extremely worried and went to see my family doctor. During mid August I was scheduled for an MRI, then an MRA. I was told I had an aneurysm and was advised to see a neurologist. On 8-17-11, I was diagnosed with a cerebral aneurysm. On 9-1-11 I had a left craniotomy to clip my opthalmic aneurysm. My doctor states my surgery went well. I am currently in my 3rd week of recovery. I am doing well but the pain from my incision makes it difficult to sleep. I realized I need support as I learn and live through this most challenging journey of my life. **Thank you Colleen, I am learning how to navigate through the BAF site.

Welcome to the baf family Myrna,

Hope fully you shall find much advice and support to help you through your recovery. I had my annie coiled so know little about the clipping recovery, but know it will take lots of rest, patience and more rest....

Best wishes


hi, and welcome. We all need support, first off you are early in recovery and try sleeping with your head propped up some, i cant sleep on my injured side either. And learn that recovery takes time its a SLOW process on here is a letter to your brain find it if you can and read it it is great. I am in my going on 2 year recovery and still have questions, we go through so much only we can understand. god bless.

Thank you Gaynor-each day I learn something new from the BAF community. Most importantly I don’t feel so alone. Thank you for your support.

Hi Laurie, thank you for your support and suggestions. I am learning to be patient with myself in all areas of my life. I will look for the letter. Take care

You are so Welcome takes time to navigate around here, but soon you will be a pro...

Rest my dear...and Cyber ~ Healing your way...Colleen

Hi Myrna,

Your scar will feel better with time, it's very tender right now. I am so grateful that you are recovering well. When do you see your doctor again?

Thoughts & prayers


Hi Kimberley,

I will see my Dr. on 10-13-11. I will be 6wks post op then. Thank you for your comforting words. I am wishing everyone lots of rest, peace and healing.


Hi Myrna and welcome to BAF

I am glad you are on your road to recovery and the beginning of your journey in life "after annie". I too had an ICA annie atthe opthalmic artery, however, my doc said it could not be clipped due to the location being too close to the optic nerve. Also, coiling was attmpted, but once they got inside with the angio, the doc found that my annie had a wide mouth. 10 days later after being placed on the prep drugs, I was fitted with 2 pipeline stents (they call this telescoping when there is more than one pipeline).

I do have an older sister who had an anterior communicating artery annie clipped about a year and half ago so I am a little familiar with the recovery through her.

I do wish you well and tell you that every day you will get stronger and every day you will feel better, but you need to rest and listen to your body and your brain. It will tell you when it's time to slow down.

PLease try and find the letter to from your brain on this site. I keep that in convenient places and read it often, if keeps me grounded and gives me inspriration to listen to my brain!

Best wishes in your recovery and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,


Hi Linda,

Thank you for sharing your story. I did find the letter from my wounded brain-it made me cry, but it put my journey as a "annie survivor" into perspective. I read the letter at least once a day. I am learning to listen to my body and especially my brain and I have been resting a lot. I am learning to put myself first.

On Oct 12 I have my 6wks post surgery appointment. Currently I feel I am not ready to return to work-I may feel better next week. I also have a sister who is currently experiencing neurological health issues.

Thank you for your words of comfort-I am wishing you peace and healing.
