My story

I am told that March 23, 2012 started out like any other day for me - out of bed, get ready for work, feed the dogs and cats and get 2 kids ready for school. After arriving at work did my whole life change. My co-worker arrived to find me having a seizure and unconscious. The closest hospital was not a level 1 trauma so I was taken by ambulance to Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. After my coiling procedure I was given a 10% survival rate. I developed pneumonia and was given a total of 3 blood transfusions. The next day I had an abdominal aneurysm rupture and a filter put in my aorta due to blood clots. All together I was in a coma for 9 weeks, intubated, had the tube taken out then re-intubated. During this time I also contracted C-Diff and had to have an ileostomy bag placed. Upon waking I realized I was bald on the right side of my head, had this bag hanging off of my abdomen and had missed my daughters 16th's funny that I was more upset about missing her Birthday than anything else. I was hospitalized for a total of 5 months and finally got to come home at the end of August (almost 40 lbs lighter). Had months of therapy and had my Doctor tell me just last week that if he didn't have my chart in front of him and knew what happened to me, he would never guess I went through such a trauma. I can now walk, talk, drive and be (almost) myself again. It is truly amazing what your body can recover from, and I make sure to thank God everyday for standing by me.

God Mary...You have had the are amazing...and I am so glad you shared your story...

Will they eventually repair damage and you can lose the ileostomy bag?

Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ wishing you many better days ahead ~ Colleen

Wow Mary-what a story. Best part is you’ve made it thru everything and are doing pretty good. That is Awesome.

hi Mary! thank you for your inspiring story! You are a walking miracle! You should write this in the group success stories! Thank God your ok!

Hi Colleen and thank you for the well wishes...I actually had my ileostomy bag removed the second week of January and have now healed. Glad that step is over - full steam ahead!

Hi Ron and thanks for your kind words. I actually thought I was posting it in the success stories but it ended up in savvy I am not!

Oh that is good Mary...keep it here and keep the faith...and remember to take care of step at a time...wishing you a good day ~ Colleen

Mary, you are an inspiration indeed..That is so fantastic, and you are indeed a miracle lady!

Peace! Janet

Hi Mary,

So glad you were able to get to where you are now. You truely have had a life changing journey. My anuerysm was found accidentally and was able to be coiled. When ever I have a bad day related to the anuerysm I remind myself on the many like yourself that had to go to hell and back. The fact that you feel like yourself again...that is a great accomplishment. Stay strong.

Thanks Kathy - I know I am one of the lucky ones to have come back as far as I have.

Best wishes to you :)

Hello Mary!! Wow, you really know what a good day is- now don't you. All that silly nonsence most people worry about must make you laugh. good luck to you and also your family(they have been put thru the ringer too). donna w

me neither savy Mary!!!-lol- maybe we can help each other=the success stories is in groups up at the top- click on red writing not the window box that drops down from it. theres other groups also like humor , music , upcoming procedures- good luck-don't despair-if I can navigate this site -anyone can! cu around!

Hi Donna - You're right, I certainly don't sweat the small stuff anymore. Do you know I feel guilty for putting my family through all of this even though I had no control. I truly try to appreciate every single day and try to remember on my bad days that good days are right around the corner. You take care!


Way to go Mary!!!! We need to read these positive outcomes more than anything. I'm sure you have had many hard times but looks like you are a tough one! So happy to hear about people like you. donna w

Mary, congratualtions on your one year have one of the most magnificent stories...

You had/have been blessed fully. I am sitting here just amazed at what you went through...and, your family, went through... watching over you, waiting for you.

Prayrs for all continued...


Wow Mary. I am so happy you recovered so well.


Hi Mary..I just read your story with a few tear drops esp. in the missed birthday part...what you have been through is really tough..As longs as we wish to struggle and if God lets and helps, there is nothing we can't are great..

I found myself wanting to "like" this comment, Mary. You are absolutely right when you say the good days are right around the corner. It is something I need to remember right now! I, too, feel guilty for the worry this has caused my kids. I also know that they are more compassionate with others. Keep in mind that God has a plan and a reason for everything. Perhaps your journey will lead your kids to do something to help or save someone else one day. We just never know.


You have been through so much I am happy you made it and are on the road to recovery. I had my rupture coiling procedure a week ago and made it through although I feel like I was hit by a truck head aches are awful but I am here.

Hi Mary,

Your story is so inspiring! I found BAF because my mom had an aneurysm rupture in October. My mom started to wake up 4 weeks after her surgery. Sometimes she responds to simple questions/ commands and sometimes she doesn't. On the back of my mind, I believe she will get better and better. Your story gives me more courage and hope!