My 1 Year Annie-versary!

Today I made a year since my brain aneurysm ruptured. I can’t believe it’s already been a full year since this has happened to me. Last year when I was in the neuro ICU, I didn’t know what to expect and how things would be. But here I am working as a nurse at a hospital after my ordeal. I am so thankful to this group because I had a place I could go to for reference and reassurance from fellow survivors! I have some permanent vision loss at this point because I did suffer a stroke from complications of my ruptured annie last year. However, I can work and live my life normally and I am grateful for that. I am looking forward to the many years to come in the future.

For those who are new. I was there too where everything was new and just didn’t know what to expect. But things are getting better. It was a slow process of returning to my “normal” life but I am at a point where I am enjoying life and doing the best I can. My journey is still in the beginning stages but I am looking forward to the future.

Just wanted to post to celebrate :slight_smile:


Ms Rachel what a wonderful thing to celebrate! I’m so glad you’re able to work in your chosen profession I think that’s the icing on the cake! Well done!

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Congratulations on your first “ annieversary “
and your second lease of life! It’s definitely something to celebrate :tada: It’s wonderful to hear that you are back and working as a RN. You are right that you will continue to improve, at least that’s what I have experienced. Keep on adding more years to your success!


Hi rnham, congratulations on your one year Anni-versary. It is great you have got back to work, the people in this group are very inspirational. I am nearly seven and a half years since my rupture, and although I have been unable to go back to work, because of my memory problems, I am so grateful for this group. It is great you can look forward to the future and I hope it is a long one.

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Hi… Congratulations on your Annie-versary!! :confetti_ball:. Sounds like you did a good job climbing that hill in very quick time.

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Thanks for posting. My Annie ruptured in 1998 I recovered, got back to work, divorced and joined a rock band! Life certainly is good. So check out my music on search for ConnQuest. Enjoy


I’m right there with you 33mm unruptured aneurysm 1may 2020. Congratulations

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Thank you for sharing your Annie-versary! I am a survivor of a double annie rupture in August 2022. Your story made me smile and this is my first post, prior I would just read everyones posts. I’m glad you are feeling like yourself more and more.I thank you for your service as a nurse, I’m here because of great nurses being selfless in caring for me while I was in the hospital for three months. I love that you call it the Annie-versary, makes it seem more easy to remember.


Congratulations to your first year of survival! It is a wonderful milestone and it will only get better.

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Wow! A double rupture just a bit over a year ago! That speaks loudly to the medical team and your tenacity! Thank you for posting and for acknowledging the RNs, they are a major factor on why we survive in my book. I look forward to hearing more of your story.

@oct20 @Moltroub Thank you both for responding to my post. I guess sharing my story would be good for me and the community. I’m not sure how to start a topic to post my story, i’m trying to figure that out now.


Open the General tab and look in the right hand lower corner. Do you see the blue circle with a + in it ? Open that and then you can start to write.
I think it’s a good way for all of us to share our stories, it’s a part of the healing process.

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You did an excellent job posting Blessed!