Multiple aneurysms

I have noticed that several people have made post about having more than one aneurysm, I am going back to my Dr on the 3rd, I want to know what I need to tell him, what test should he do to see if I have more.... I didn't realize that I may have more! Thats makes me very nervous and afraid......

if you already had a angiogram and all is good no need to worry now, i know it’s hard not to be afraid but go one step at a time.

Hi Charlotte and welcome to BAF,

I am one of the ones who has more than one annie. I have two, a 9mm in my right internal carotid artery at the opthalmic artery and a 2mm in my left internal carotid artery at the opthalmic artery. My NS told me that they will not touch the 2mm until it reaches at least 5mm. I have had multiple MRAs and angios, and am going back in December for my surgery follow up angio and MRA to see if my stent is ok and if my annie has occuled (I have two PEDs on the 9mm annie) and to see if my 2mm has grown any.

Make a list of questions to ask your doc on the 3rd and include in there if any other annies were found. As him what tests they did (an MRA? CTA? Angio?) and what were the results. And be sure to express everything you are feeling, questions you need answers to etc. Remember, he works for you!

I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming after annie life and continued healing in your journey!

Best wishes,


Hi Charlotte -

I agree with Laurie - it's pretty unlikely that you wouldn't already know if you had more than 1. I have 3 - one coiled/stent, 2 watch and wait.


Hi there try not to worry they found both of mine when one ruptured. They would of told you if they had seen anymore.

Good morning Charlotte, I had my surgery June of 09, after they did the angie, they said i have three, they only clamped one, and said the other to will never change. I always pray i have a wild card, I never want to go throw that again. I hope to go back to work this coming year. If they did not say you have anymore, do not let your phyci freak you out. It is so challenging after, im scared all the time, every headache, i have pain from the left top of my head all the way into the ear and down to the jaw, getting blockers this week. I think that after a surgery like this we should all have therpy, my family thinks im milking this, man i wish i could change heads for one day. So live one day at a time, and dont worrry about any more brain annie it does get easier.

Charlotte, if you've written more prior, I missed it...

Angios are the detailed gold-standard and should have shown any/all...Those who have had more than one observed, share that info here.

If you've not had the angio yet, there may be a small potential; ask your neuro at your upcoming appointment.

Prayers for a comforting, informative appointment.


Hi Charlotte: My 3mm annie was found by accident looking for the cause of bad headaches. I was told initially that I had 1 annie, then soon thereafter, 2. Then, after a follow up angio, only 1. Then at appt for 2nd opinion, they said I have 3! I have to admit I’m a little confused but I guess that’s why they call it medical “practice”. I’ve read on this site that some had additional small annies not found until they were in there doing surgery. Point is, try not to worry and let it get to you. If they’re bit enough to worry about, they’ll see them. Mine are all watch and wait and now that some time has gone by, I don’t think about it or worry much about them. They said I just need to be sure to have CTA or MRA every year. Good luck and hope your appointment goes well! Mitch

Joan, I am so sorry to hear that your family is not terribly supportive when you need it most! Walk a mile I always say. Some in my family are similar and I believe many docs are too. People ask me why I don’t like going to doctors and my response is: If they can’t see a bone sticking out of your skin with blood dripping off of it, they don’t see a problem. That’s drastically overstating things but is generally how I feel. Guess the same can be said for some family members (mine and yours both). I sincerely hope your family comes around and is there to support you. Mitch

I had the coiling done at time of rupture and I am supposed to have a follow up angiogram in Feb. to look at the coiled one… I guess they would have seen any other annies at the time of the coiling?