Mood changes

Hi everyone-

My dad had a grade 4 ruptured aneurysm in October...spent 6 weeks in the ICU and months in rehab. He is now home - he is wheel chair bound with very little movement on the left side of his body. My mom is his main caregiver and works around the clock. We are all very concerned about the mood changes we see in him. He can get very mean and nasty towards my mom, who does nothing but take care of him all day every day. He seems to be able to hold it together better around my brother and me, as well as his doctors. I don't know why my mom is getting the brunt of it. He is very irritable and negative all the time. I realize his life has totaly changed, but we are all dealing with these's like he doesn't even realize we have all been affected. Is this something that will get better? Are there drugs that can help? He has absolutely refused to take any kind of anti depressant. My mom is at her wits end, and we don't know how to help. She says she can handle the physical work of taking care of him, but she is so hurt by the way he treats her (we realized this is probably an effect of his brain injury, but it doesn't make it any less painful). I'd really appreciate any advice you can give.

Hi Sara...He may not be able to control it...perhaps mom should talk to neurologist/neurosurgeons and see about getting him to a 3rd party that will help him work through his issues and nastiness...I feel so sorry for your mom and family this can't be easy...wish I had some better advice...but hopefully other's will help...


Hi Sara-I had same thing-went from anxiety to depression to anger rages-was aware but could not control! Doctor sent me to counseling-now take anxiety, antidepressant, and mood stablizer meds-don't like taking so much but definitely helps-Prayers are w/you all:) marcia

Thanks Colleen and Marcia! I really appreciate it! My dad's neuro had mentioned some mood mom is going to be checking into it more with her in a week or two at his next follow up. He would never agree to see a counselor or take anti-depressants...he is "old school" and stubborn like we're not sure what we can do.

Having a dad that is 81 and mom 80 ... Sara ... I know what you mean about old school... ~ prayers out to all of you...~ Colleen

Ps...keep us posted about mood stabilizers ...