Medic ID Information

Hi everyone!!!

Does anyone wear a medic ID bracelet or something similar to inform others of your hx with brain bleeds? I am thinking of getting one. I am an emergency room nurse and worry that one day I will be somewhere out of town and have a bleed, be rushed to a ER and someone would think I was having a stroke and give me TPA. Thanks for your input :)

i do wear a medical braclet, and it is not your normal bracelet. Mine is black leather with the silver info, they do the in all different color’s…the site is, i think. I also have a tag on my handbags. it is larger and just like you would use for when you are traveling. It has all my info, Doc’s name and phone # . Also says that my clip info and i am safe for all testing. home phone # and also if possible the hospital i would like to go to. it is the one that has the best for aneurysms and all my doc’s are there. I bought 2 and can just attach to my purses. It makes me feel safer. It that makes sense. If I drop i want someone to have as much info as possible.
I also deal with tachycardia,seizures and strokes It is slightly smaller then a credit card…

The sight has some really nice ID braclet’s,

I didn’t know about this. It’s a good idea - thx

Out of curiosity, what happens If they didn’t know u had a bleed & were unconscious & tried to treat? Whsts a TPA?

I have a medic alert bracelet that has a USB storage built in, which holds all my medical information and images from my last MRI/MRA. You can get one of these thru eBay, but they do require some computer technical ability to set up the files.

The contact information is all there for all my doctors, plus all my medication is listed. This bracelet will answer all the questions the first responders may have in case I’m unable to speak, and most ambulances have computers built in. The ambulance can also sent the information ahead to the hospital, saving precious time.

The bracelet on this one is cheap, and needs replacing before use:

There are all sorts. Not all are waterproof, so you have to take them off if showering/swimming.


Thank you Jane, I will definitely check out the web site :slight_smile:

TPA is a clot busting drug. It is a drug that you would never give to a person with a head bleed because it can make you bleed more. Protocal for people with a suspected bleed or stroke is a CT scan before giving any medications. I just think that an ID bracelet might be a good added safety measure.

Wow that is awesome. I love technology! I will be checking this out also. Thanks so much. :slight_smile:

What a wonderful idea! Thank you for the websites!

This is a great idea – I am definitely doing this. I’m gonna look at the eBay listings!! :slight_smile:

I have been shopping the Med ID sites and none display our issue. We have to careful for paramedics not to give us certain drugs and for people like me with balance issues, I still can’t do sobriety tests and walk a straight line on purpose (smile). I will continue my research because the purple file that has my medical history that goes everywhere with me is getting kind of ragged!!


You can put ALL your medical history of one of the above mentioned 2 Gb USB storage medical alert bracelet/necklace/key chains. That’s a HUGE amount of storage.

Even in tiny NH the police cruisers and ambulances have computers in them.

Awesome Julie. I looked up the link and that is simply awesome. Wow what a lifesaver for us!

Thank you so much for this information. I ordered the bracelet today. Much appreciated.


The website Jane mentions at the top of this page is does not exist, so it seems this is the one she was recommending. Thank you, Jane. I was not aware of their offerings. Glad you found something there you liked!

Jane Hilton said:

i do wear a medical braclet, and it is not your normal bracelet. Mine is black leather with the silver info, they do the in all different color's..............the site is, i think. I also have a tag on my handbags. it is larger and just like you would use for when you are traveling. It has all my info, Doc's name and phone # . Also says that my clip info and i am safe for all testing. home phone # and also if possible the hospital i would like to go to. it is the one that has the best for aneurysms and all my doc's are there. I bought 2 and can just attach to my purses. It makes me feel safer. It that makes sense. If I drop i want someone to have as much info as possible.
I also deal with tachycardia,seizures and strokes It is slightly smaller then a credit card....

The sight has some really nice ID braclet's,