Local BAF suppport group meeting

Good morning! Last night I went to my local BAF support group meeting with my mother and boy, I am glad!!

I was nervous, not sure what kind of horror stories I might hear along the path to recovery. I am still having panic attacks so needless to say, I was shaking like a leaf.

Well, I met some amazing survivors and supporters, most of which work for Hopkins and know Dr. Coon and reassured me that he is absolutely one of the best at what he does and is just an all around wonderful person, not just doctor. I even met one of his patients. She was 70yrs old when she had her bleed, he clipped it and she was back to work in 5 weeks!

My little annie doesn't seem grand in hearing others stories. Though everyone assured me any annie is a big deal because it is happening to you, I actually was the calmest I've been i weeks when I left.

I can not express how I wish everyone had a local support group to get them through the process. My friends(here and online:), physicians, coworkers and family have been my rocks and I am fortunate to have so many people around me, but one night seeing faces of others that have walked a mile in my shoes has made a difference.

I can not encourage others enough to seek out a local BAF group. This site has been so amazing. I found a local group and actually worked up the courage to attend due to the new friends I have made here, who send me the most wonderful texts and messages reminding me to stay positive and breath. I have learned that it is ok to be anxious and have doubts. And mostly importantly I have learned I am not alone:)

Through heart felt tears, thank you:..)

Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for sharing. I'm happy to know that you had such a great experience.

Take care.


Ah...I am tearing up too...how wonderful Stephanie...thank~you for sharing...~ Have a Beautiful day ~ Colleen

Well said Stephanie, Brava!

Stephanie...I am delighted for you...fpor having the courage to visit your local group; for their support to you, and to sense that it will bring you back to help other newbies...

And, you really made my day...

Hugs and prayers for your results...


(((hugs)) sounds like a great fit for you :)