Living in constant pain

hi all hope everyone is feeling alittle better today. im debra i have 2 two any- have had one clipped was in surgery for 12 hrs. and had to go back in when they thought they where through but it burst after they clipped it while putting skull bone back . so now i have two clips on one. and cant get to the other it's too deep on brain stem is what drs. say that was in jan. 2011. I hurt everyday, But everyday my eyes open i thank God for another day i just deal with the pain

I’m so sorry, I have and will keep you in my prayers

Sorry to hear that. Dont give up hope and keep up your faith. Hugs and prayer your way.

if its any comfort to you that was so comforting to me, i'll keep you in my prayers.

Hi Debra,

Sorry to hear the trouble you are having and hope that every day it gets a little better for you. It does take some time for your brain and body to heal after the trauma it has been through. Listen and rest and let your brain and body heal.

Best wishes and I will keep you in my prayers.



I am so sorry about your pain...this is a long journey...lots of still have much healing to go...

You have my Prayers...Colleen