Just picked up my MRI report from hospital visit

Hi everyone, I just picked up my MRI cd's and report for my doctor appt with the neurosurgeon on Thursday. For those that don't remember me, I was recently diagnosed with a basilar aneurysm as a result of some neuro symptoms and ER visit. I just read the report for the 1st time and I noticed this...

CEREBRUM: There is nonspecific subcortical white matter foci present. Differential considerations would include chronic migraine headaches, small vessel ischemic disease and less likely demyelinating processes."

My symptoms have to me have been steering towards MS but have yet to be diagnosed. I have an appointment with a rheumy in May as well as all of this because I was diagnosed with RA recently. Is anyone familiar with white matter in the brain? I have terrible balance issues and this maybe why...and not the aneurysm???? I know I can talk this all over with my doctor on Thursday, I was just wondering sooner than that :)

Hi Sheree

I have a simaliar Mri results as you, I have read about the white matter also and it says possiable MS, its all very confuseing . I also have RA and Lupus and three aneurysm. I am not sure what it all means but I just keep my thoughts on other things seems like there is always something to be worried about. How long have you had RA? Are you on any meds for RA. I have had RA for 5 years now.. Anyway hope you find out some good info and please let me know because no one has explained this to me also..Marie

No...no experience on the white matter...you know I had my annie on the basilar tip...and honestly, the year before being diagnosed (I was 45 years old)...I was falling constantly...my balance was so off...and it is only now we are attributing it to my annie because this has so improved since being coiled...keep Hope...Gotcha in my prayers ~ Colleen