Just found out my mom has an aneurysm, feeling scared

We don’t have much info since my parents thought they would remember everything. But my mom was sent to UCSF yesterday where she found out that she has an aneurysm in her left temporal area. She received a phone call this morning that they want to move the surgery to Monday, since she has been taking asprin they want to make sure there are enough days between her last dose and her surgery. This is all happening so fast and since we don’t know what type of aneurysm, how big, how long she has had it, or what type of surgery she is having, I feel so scared. I have no clue what to expect or how to prepare myself. She was first told she would have to stay a night or two but with the phone call this morning she was told at least the first 24 hours ICU and then at least a week after she’s gets out of the ICU. Just needing someone who con maybe give me an idea of what to expect or the best way I can help her, any advice would be so helpful. I am so glad I found this page, and people who understand.

The best part is your mom found out before it burst. She is that much ahead of the game. I had surgery on my mine a little over a month ago. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and now and home resting. Just remember that with recovery one must be patient as it is a slow process. Good luck to you Mom. I will will keep your family in my prayers

Clipping or Coils? They should be able to tell what type of annie (aneurysm) it is from the CT scan or MRI. I had a clipping done 6 weeks ago and I feel fine now. Still a little tired every now and then, but everyone heals differently, and not all annies are alike. I was in the hospital for 3 nights. First 24 hours in ICU and the next 2 nights regular hospital. She will have a lot of questions after surgery, as will you, and you can find a lot of answers here. There are a lot of people that have been in the same situation. If they want to do surgery that fast, it's a good thing they found it. They found mine in September, and I was able to wait till the end of our school year (i teach) for my surgery. I plan on teaching summer school starting July 1st.

She will be very tired after surgery and need a lot of love and support :) No bending over, or lifting anything over 5 pounds! ( they told me for 6 weeks) so you don't get any pressure in your head. I walked but not at a fast pace. Wash hair with baby shampoo :) I just had my 6 week check up and have permission to do all of these things now. And Yoga! No hair coloring for 3 months :) To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but everyone is different. I wish her the best. Just be thankful you are not asking questions about a ruptured annie. They are a lot worse. Good luck and if you feel like it, let us know how she is. I just found this site AFTER my surgery and I wish I found it before. We can support you! xoxo

Thank you so much, I think it’s all the unkowns that is making this so hard. I wish you continued healing and will be praying for your recovery as well.

I am so happy to have found this site and very thankful to everyone for being so open and sharing all of their experiences. I even told my older sister about this site and I know she has been on here reading too. It is so comforting and encouraging… I will be posting on moms surgery and will have more answers to our questions first thing Monday morning. I plan on staying by her side every step of the way. Thankful for the great support from each person on here. I’ve never thought or heard much about aneurysms, now I feel a deep compaction to get the word out. I tell everyone about this site. My prayers are with you as you continue your healing, and best wishes for your return to teaching.

Hope all went well with your Mother. Sending positive thoughts and prayers :)

Mom is doing so well, they are letting her come home today. She’s had a problem with double vision and after her surgery and the swelling in her eye went down she was able to see across the room with no glasses and no double vision. We are so amazed at how well she is doing.
Thank you to everyone who kept her in your prayers and thoughts… They did end up putting three clips in, and said everything looks good.

i'm so pleased all went well 4 mom and 4 ye

it must b hard for our loved ones waiting

i also have an anny 2mm not ruptured

they said its dormant

any advise should i have it removed r ?