I'm so scared

Hi it's me again,

I'm having a really bad time today, I'm so upset and angry especially as Nan was doing so well yesterday and now she is suffering with vasospams after her coiling procedure on wednesday, they've found 2 more aneurysms as well as having fluid on her chest that they are draining. They are raising her blood pressure to try and sort out the vasospasms. It'll be a week tomorrow (Sunday 2nd December) since she collapsed with a Brain Aneurysm.

I'm really so utterly terrified.

Can anybody tell me more about vasospasms or can anybody tell me their story?

Love Ellie xxx

Hello Ellie

There is some info on the main BAF website at http://www.bafound.org/aneurysm-complications. there is alos lots of other info there. Have you found the Brain and Spine Foundation website? It is a UK organization and offers a help line with specialist neurosurgical nurses if you have questions. They also have UK specific patient and relative info. Here is a link to the SAH info, but you will find others of relevance there. http://www.brainandspine.org.uk/subarachnoid-haemorrhage

I have no personal experience of SAH and vasospasm, but I expect others will answer and tell you their stories.

Thoughts and prayers


Thankyou very much Judith xxx

Hello Ellie, I can relate to the fear you’re going through, I spent over a month in ICU after my Annie and I also had good and bad days. I was very fortunate not to have any permanent disabilities as a result of it, however, I continue to have headaches on daily basis. A permanent shunt was installed in my head. However, I am not familiar with vasospasms… Mmmhmm… I need to do some research about this…
Sending lots of prayers and good wishes your way.

Hang in there Ellie...it is a long journey ~ Gotcha all in my prayers ~ Colleen

Thankyou very much, I am pleased to hear you made it through without any disabilities.

Love Ellie xxx

Thankyou Colleen.

It's a week today since this happened and I feel like I'm beginning to crack, I miss her being at home so much and I pray she starts to improve soon. Thankyou.

Love Ellie xxx

Hello Ellie, I am so sorry and know how frustrating all this is. Everything is out of our control- that's the worst part.Keeping the bp up is helping to perfuse the blood to the brain-to get past the vasospasm. Do u understand what vasospasm is? If not, I can explain some of the things to you but I won't go into anything if you already know. It is a lengthly process- several weeks at least. You and your family need to take care of yourselves so you can care for your Nan when she comes home. prayers and best wishes to your Nan. donna w

Hello Donna.

Yeah they raised her BP but her heart started showing signs of strain last night so they have had to lower it a little. I know what a vasospasm is, I've researched everything alot, thankyou for the offer. Did you experience vasospasms? xxx

Hi Ellie, yes, I did on day # 3,4. Also had cerebral salt wasting(sodium very low),and developed hydrocephalus. I have a permanent shunt for this . Even though I was awake, I do not have any memory of three weeks. Boy, did my family age!!! So please take care of yourselves. My recovery went slow at beginning but ended very well as I pray your Nan will too. I have a somewhat stressful job but was able to go back full time in two months, but it did not look that good in the beginning. Love to u, donna w

I am trying to look after myself but so hard, it's taking its toll on me thats for sure but I feel selfish everytime I break down, I think to myself my Nan is being strong and fighting this so what gives me the right to cry. It's so silly I know but my Grandad is on chemotherapy tablets that are making him ill so I'm trying to look after them all. My nan had her op on wednesday and it's been a week today since the aneurysm burst. They said it was small and they'd fix it with a clipping operation then they said her heart wasn't stable enough and they were going to do the coiling procedure which they gave her a 20% chance of surviving under the anaesthetic and now she's suffering vasospasms and I'm scared they can't do enough to stop them as the medication they give you for them and the raising of the BP were too much on her heart it seems :( xxxx

Nan needs time, and no reason to feel selfish for crying because it is a release for you and is ok. Stress does very bad things to us, so crying and talking about your Nan and Grandad is actually helping you get thru this situation. It sounds like she is getting good care and that's most important. good luck to u and your family. donna w

Thankyou. xxx

After my clipping surgery I had vasospasms for a couple weeks. The doctor seemed worried and made sure my mental stimulation was at a minimum. Make sure not to overwhelm the person with a lot of guests or questions, sometimes I felt the need to entertain my guests and that would make the vasospasms worse. Positive energy makes a difference as well. Stay positive and I hope everything works out well for you and your loved ones.

Said a prayer this morning Ellie...for you and Nan...wishing her a better day ~ xoxoxoxox ~ Colleen

Ellie Louise, Have just read your story. I was 38 weeks pregnant when I had my bleed. So scary. They cut bubs out (my third child) and then clipped my aneurysm. So a coil is a bit different from a clip. I then suffered from vasos (as we call them) and finally got thru them. I am now 4 months after the vasos and am doing so well. Dont be scared and realise it is a part of life. I remember when I got my gbleed and just crying and thinking "I cant leave my boys behind". Everything will work out the way it is supposed to. Hope your Nan makes it thru xx


It's been over a year since my last surgery. I had vasospasms after my first surgery when my aneurysm burst. They said it was because of the blood that was in my brain from when it burst. I apparently had vasospasms for much longer than they expected. I was in the ICU for about 24 days while they kept my blood pressure up and "drained my brain". That's what I called it :) ...the brain drain. They also poked my lung by accident when putting in a main line. I think they did some sort of doppler scan every day to see how the blood was flowing in my head. A really nice tech. came in every day and it was sort of relaxing to have her go over my head with the device that did the detection. That part was for the vasospasms. Finally, when they were sure the vasospasms had stopped, I was flighted to a hospital in Portland, OR so a more experienced neurosurgeon could clip the remaining aneurysms and fix one that had burst and was hastily clipped when I was in the first surgery. I'll put up a picture on my page of the doppler lady.

Hello Ellie, I have been wondering how everyone is making out. I also had vasospasm and recovered. It is very common but can be serouis! I'll keep you all in my prayers. Remember to take care of yourself ,Nan will need all of you when she comes home. Donna w

Hi Ellie Louise,

In 2006 I had an anuerysm, which leaked and was coiled. I was in a coma, and my husband remembers well that my blood pressure had to be kept rather high while in ICU for the same reason, to avoid the vasospasms,,He noticed one night that my pressure was dipping, so he rounded up the ICU nurse who claimed that this was normal--he threw a fit I guess and made sure my bp was raised, knowing that I could vasospasm otherwise (The ICU nurse wasn't too happy about him telling her her job, but so what) So according to my husband, they kept my BP pretty high for quite some time. Best of luck to you and your family, I know this is a trying time. You'll all be in my prayers! Janet