How long recovery from coiling

Hello to you all,i had the coiling procedure done february 3 rd on UNRUPTURES aneurisme.No complication as far as the procedure.One aneurisme coiled,4.6 mm,all filled all good.. But i am sooooo tiered since.. Every am is ok but then as the day goes by,wow,do i ever get tiered.. I have had neck and upper back pain also. I had an epilepsy sesure just as i was leaving from proedure.They keeped me in for one x-tra day.I was already on lamotigine befor operation, but they had to upgrade the dosage a little.. But since then,snce i have come out i am pooped... and sore.Anyone have simular story..

I have done lots on the net about lamotrigin side effects,meningidous etc.... due to my back pain,but i do not know what to think about all that.ouf..maybe i am just toooo anxious,and i am not taking the time to recover..

any ideas

Everyone is different, but it takes time and rest for the brain to heal. It is important to take the time to take care of you...all your symptoms is your bodies way of telling you to rest. Healing thoughts out to you. Colleen

thank you colleen.. i needed some reassurance :) i am such an anxious type. are not alone...I have found that "anxious" is all of us brain aneurysm survivor's...and you no's a no wonder...? insert <smile>...You keep sharing here at BAF ... it really will help you...~ Colleen

Hi Sarah,

You are pretty early in the healing process, so be sure to rest up lots and don't over do things. You may want to ask your doc about getting something to help with the anxiety of it all (I take Xanax, and it helps with the anxiety). take care !

Peace, Janet

Hi Sarah! just wanted to get aquainted and echo the others wise council!! Hang in there, things really do get better, its just so slow we cannot fathom it~~try the b vitamins for pep, I tae b-1, b-6, and b-12, i'm also trying the coq10 but its backordered and delayed shipment--must be good stuff!!-lol, i'll be sure to let you know if it helps. Take frequent breaks and try not to overdo-that really knocks me for a loop!!-lol take care oxoxo ps I luve your name- its my Aunt's -rip

Hi Ron and to all of you that answered me.. It is real hard to accept this sitution. And my kids ( 9 and 3) don't really understand and mom beeing so OFF is hard for them also.. But i am very lucky that that i had an UNRUPTURED aneurisym. Many people who have had ruptures,i believe have an even more difficult time.. I do not want to complain,but i just want answers and a time period.. but seeing all your messages, there seems to be no real time frame.. :) each person is different.. and i guess i was and am asking too much of myself. I guess i will just STOP,Not do too much and listen to by body.


Hi Sarah. I found that learning all I could about brain aneurysms, treatments, side effects etc, helped to ease my anxieties. the saying is true, knowledge is power. I still struggle with being tired. I have returned to work and fortunately I have a good group of people working for me. They understand what i went through [ I told them]. They have helped pick up some of the slack. I have adjusted my schedule at work to allow more down time in the afternoon for me. when I go home, I usually take a nap. Things are slowly getting better. Stayed encouraged

I am not planning going back yet.. I will take another 4 weeks off.. I have a really good emplyee who has been taking my buisiness as her own. So i can rest. ;0 Thanks.. this group is so great to me..