How long does it take?

How long does it take to get better? To feel like you’re semi back to your old self? I know ill never be same after my ruptured anuerysm. I know I’m lucky to be alive. I know 8 out of 10 ruptured anuerysm people die b4 they get to a hospital. I thank God everyday for my life. But how long till I wake up and not be afraid of dying. How long til I can keep a thought or function like a normal person. Its been almost a year. And yes I had complications. I had developed merca and I had a partial skull removal and then a skull replacement surgery. I just wanna live a life again.

I had a lot of anxiety and trouble sleeping after my rupture. My recovery was free of any serious complications and it still took 6 months. I was a coiling which is less invasive than your surgery. So I would make the assumption that it will take longer to recover. I discovered that it is common to have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a long ICU stay and surgery. I got a referral to see a therapist who has experience with PTSD and that helped a lot. It helped just to have a name to put to what I was feeling and that is was okay and normal and I could recover my sanity and feel normal again.

Thank you

Hey Debra,
I’m sorry to say but that’s a bit like a “How long is a piece of string?” sort of question an to be honest there is no guaranteed answer. I’ve required a few neurosurgeries and no two have had the same symptoms, treatments nor recoveries. With my initial surgeries I pushed my self to recover, ignoring symptoms and this was real silly idea. Since my last surgery things haven’t exactly gone to plan, well, not my plan anyway. My plan was to push myself and get back to work, but that has not been the case this time around. I am slowly, very slowly coming to terms with the reality of the situation and I believe this is about all we can do. We can wrap ourselves up in cotton wool, being overly cautious or we can live life to the best of our ability. 5yrs on from my most recent operation and I’m still having ‘days from hell’ but it’s not everyday thank Christ. I’ve had to learn to manage the best way I can, this has not been a simple process, but has become my reality.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

Thank you for responding

Hi Debra ,
They’re no actual time that you would get back to your old self I had suffer a ruptured aneurysm too . I actually went out a seeked for helped I was on the same boat I was scared of not waking up the next day etc I went out and looked profesional help someone that helped with my anxiety that developed due to the aneurysm idk how religious you are but I also got spiritual help with my priest which helped me a lot if you need anything you can always message me we’re def blessed to be here let’s make the most of it .

Hi Debra,
Saw your post and was wondering how you were doing? A friend of mine has a saying, “This living business”.
I hope you find your new normal. I’m still looking for mine,as well. It’s out there…I’ve just gotta give it time.
I had my new normal after my 1st aneurysm rupture (on April 1st 2001!!!) YEP…April Fool’s Day!! I finally had to have it clipped after a couple of coilings. Then in 2015…BAM…found another one in the same area…ACoA. Fast Forward–2017 clipping and now 2019, still trying to find my newest normal. It’s hard.
Be kind to you. Give you plenty of space to “explore” what works and what doesn’t. The main thing I keep telling myself is, I fought to be here. Since 2001 I’ve fought to be here. And finding my place now will take time…and thank goodness I have that time.
I’ll be thinking of you and sending you new normal thoughts…