
Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well.

Nan is doing okay but the headaches & depression seem to be getting worse. Can anybody shed any light on the headaches, how she would know the difference between a normal headache as a side effect 5 months post ruptured aneurysm or if it's something more serious like coils compacting or 2 of the other aneurysm's she has leaking?

Thanks, Ellie xxx

Hi Ellie...Not sure I can help you or not...I really don't suffer from depression from the Brain aneurysm...however, I did the first year after my coiling...so I am hoping Nans will subside with time...As far as the Headaches...since being coiled I suffer from migraines about 1 to 2 times a month...they are awful...however, I always assume I will know when it is something more...the really bad headache I had when they later found my leaky annie...was nothing I ever experienced...I actually felt like I could hit my head against the wall...it was so painful...if Nan has any doubts she should seek medical attention immediately, better to be safe then sorry...~ will say a little prayer for Nan...I hope she gets better...~ Colleen