
Ok so my daughter has been experiencing headaches. She keeps saying her teeth hurt and the pain shoots to her head. She had a MRI she has been to the dentist. The Nero gave her a pain pill can’t remember the name but like a sup up excedrine. This last headaches has been ging in for three dats now. Nero wants a sleep study, dentist wants her to be fitted for a mouth guard. I dont know what to do. I know her coils are fine they did a ang gram. I am at my wits end with worry and what to do…help

Hi Darlene,

Please talk to her PCP about checking her sinuses, too. The pain in the sinuses can also be referred into the teeth, jaw and head.

good luck with getting this resolved. I know it’s nerve wracking! May God bless you both.


I feel the same way. I am trying to get her to go, the medicine the Nero gave her just isn’t working.

Carole is right about the sinuses. I have TMJ which is hard to explain. But I clinch my teeth and this causes you to stress out all those muscles in your head which can cause headaches. I had a broken jaw 20 yrs ago and my teeth don't meet right. I find my self clinching my teeth throughout the day and try to make myself stop. Sinuses can cause pressure too. After you have had something done to your head everything that happens after coiling or clipping just seems magnifide for us. She is probabley stressed and that will cause you to clinch your teeth, and not even realize you are doing it. Hope you can find some answers. In the mean time tell her to just take a few seconds each hour and just take some deep breaths and try to relax. I find myself not truly taking nice deep breaths. I will go outside on my screened porch sometimes and just take a few deep breaths and that makes me feel better.

Hi Darlene...how long ago was your daughter coiled...I was told after coiling...I could have very bad headaches for 6 months...I had them for about 3 months...and continue once a month...Neuro...gave me meds for headaches...

Not sure about the Denist and the Sleep study...this is confusing to me...I think Carole offered a good suggestion...Wishing you can both get this resolved...~ Colleen

Its the coiling procedure thats causing her headaches i bet, my husband has a coiling in feb,12 and he still has terrible migraines since the coiling procedure

Hi Darlene,

Was it Sumatriptan? If so it's a migraine med. And if they're trying migraine meds, be aware that certain meds work for certain people. If it doesn't help within a day, call the neuro back for a new script. I wear a mouth guard at night, because when I was having pain issues, I was clenching my teeth so severely that I was misaligning my temporomandibular joint (hence the name TMJ). If her jaw cracks when she opens it, or if she can stick a finger in her ear and it hurts, or push in front of her ear and feels pain, it may be this. You can pick up a mouth guard at Walmart on the cheap -- $15-$20 to see if it works (toothpaste aisle, next to the floss). Try it. It takes about 3-4 days to work, but she'll notice less pain if this is what was bothering her before you spend all the money the dentist wants on the fitted one. When I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me and why I was having headaches, I wound up actually getting two root canals because I thought the pain was in my teeth. The other thing might be to find a chiropractor that can help. I use a low impact SOT chrio that my neuro approves of, and she is amazing at working with whatever pain I'm having. She even managed to get my jaw back in alignment, and is working to fix my neuralgia.

Hope she's doing better and that your worry is relieved!



I have suffered from different types of headaches most of my life. Migraine, tension, tmj and from coiling. I had coiling in July of this year. About three weeks ago my teeth started hurting on right side, same side of aneurysm. Then my jaw started hurting. I haven't had a flare up with my tmj for years but when my teeth start to hurt I know what's ahead. I went to dr. last week and she gave me zanaflex, it's a muscle relaxer. I find this works better for me than pain meds. Two tylenol and a zanaflex have helped me alot. Your daughter needs to find what works for her. A few things she could try are, ice and or heat for 20 min. Don't eat crunchy foods, or chew gum.

I hope this helps her. Please let me know if you have any questions.
