Head ache for more than 24 hrs

Has anyone have had a pulsating and intermittent head ache next to of your eyes? It hurts more as I turn my head. I had an aneurysm repaired in February of 2020.
Contacted the interventional neurologist, gave not heard back yet. Going to my PP, perhaps they send me to see a neurologist.

First time I get a head ache since my repair

It’s not fun having headaches that last so long and I hate to read you’re experiencing one. When your Interventionist calls back, they may want to have you do another MRI. It does sound like a Neurologist would be your next specialist.

After I ruptured, I had migraines that seems never to stop for quite a very long time. One of my Neurologists diagnosed me with non-specific migraines and tried a plethora of medications that are normally prescribed for Parkinson’s or Epilepsy. There was one treatment (SPG block) he had me do at the hospital which finally stopped them to a manageable level. I went for another when the migraines became unmanageable again but it hurt like the dickens and I wouldn’t recommend them afterwards.

I don’t take any medicine for migraines anymore. When I do feel a headache coming on or my other issues caused by the rupture rear up, I can control them 90% or more by hydration, protein and rest. I hope one of your doctors is able to determine the cause. Please let us know.


Same here. I control them with hydration, protein, and rest :face_with_head_bandage:

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Thank you, I am having a MRI on Monday the 18. I will keep you posted after they give me the result.



Maggie, I deleted your last name, no need for those trolls on the internet to be able to find you, yikes! Looking forward to what you find out!

Yes, I get headaches like that as well. Seems to focus behind my left eye. Rest, hydrate ( not just water, need electrolytes too ) watch your sodium and some good protein.

I’ve had 3 aneurysms repaired via Pipeline Embolization in 2018. In those moments that you have just got to get some relief, the neurosurgeon and neurologist said I could do 600 mg of ibuprofen up to 2 times per week.

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I usually forget to remind folks to use electrolytes! Thanks so much for the great reminder!