Hair fall after surgery

Hi All,

I am about 3 months out from a clipping procedure and have recently noticed significant daily hair fall(loss). Anyone else with similar experience after a clipping surgery? Could it be related to recent stress of the procedure?

I was told my hair loss was stress related...Would lose handfuls every time I would shampoo my hair! My hair loss lasted about 5 months and I don't know if it was my body adjusting to my situation or the fact that I started using Garnier Fall Fight shampoo and conditioner, but something slowed it down right around the 5 month mark. I wasn't clipped but I did have a pretty traumatic rupture. Seems like everything with recovering from an aneurysm is a waiting game.

Take Care,


Thanks for the feedback Mary…I’ll go look for the shampoo …


A number of us back in 2010+addressed hair loss... we shared "no, docs did not tell us" "concentrated radiation"...and loss, similar to, but not extensive as in chemocare...

I do not know if "concentrated" means heavy radiation and/or the contrast agents...

I am not sure if the BAF has added info on hair loss to their main pages... it is not all uncommon...What will be considered uncommon, is when one of us steps forward and says "yes, my doc explained it" before any treatment was done...

Perhaps a good question for "ask the doc"...? and, watch your drain avoid its back-up...


Thanks Pat...I will ask at my next visit in September....not expecting a definitive answer :)...maybe it's time for some defined research into this issue...will keep everyone here posted ...

Ashhan...thank you for your f/up...there are a number of issues, like this, we need of clarification...and, things that could be on the initial things to cover w/us...

Prayers for your continued recovery...and, have a great weekend...


Oh wow- I have had experience a lot of hair loss- My hair is so much thinner- like half its thickness-

I think it is stress- and something else...

I just wish itd stop. too!!!

Following this thread- seeing what others have to say

About two weeks after my coiling procedure, I started losing my hair in a couple spots. The neurosurgeon had warned me it was possible. However, in my follow-up exam, I was told it was probably permanent. That was a shocker.

Mamika... more thing that is not noted...It takes time for it to stop...

Talk to your doc, including dermatologist....about taking biotin...and/or anything else... cherish my derma for the basics...
The terms "stress" and " anxiety" readily generate N/V...for a number of us...

Ask your be assured you have top-notch responses...also, great to share them back here. Whatever the cause of hair loss...we all go thru that loss post-minimally invasive treatment...

Pat natural hair was thick...I did not have known, visible, spots was the back up of my shower/bath drain that drew attention to it... When I was standing in 2-4" of water that had not yet drained... Family took care of it...a friend found a finer strainer cap to place over the normal drain...another PITA in our recovery process...minor, yet an irritant...

It is hard to imagine the loss would be permanent...let's pray for many responses from others...

Thanks for your response to Ashhan's initial opening of this issue... there are so many issues we need to open up...


If it is happening at 3 months it is likely to be 'telogen effluvium'. With any major illness stress the hair (which is usually of different ages) stops growing. The old hairs get pushed out as the new ones behind grow. This happens at around 3 months. If this is the cause you should find you have lots of new very short hairs. These will grow on and you won't go completely bald!

Those of us who were coiled seem to be at risk of some radiation damage to the scalp and if it affects hair growth they usually a circular patch of baldness at the back of the head at about 3 weeks. (It didn't happen to me, but is well recognised by radiologists) If you had clipping it is unlikely you received that much radiation (unless there was an attempt at coiling before the clipping).


Thanks Judith…this is helpful…I did not get a whole lot of radiation and I did notice that my usual hair loss was low in the last 3 months…so I am guessing the old hair are done with their life span of 120 days ! …maybe I’ll get a shorter haircut while new hair growth occurs…appreciate your response…


The rad begins w/initial diagnostics...and, the f/up angios to confirm status...

You may also want to ask your doc about the volume of rad used during viewing of the open procedure steps...

I have really promoted the Two Books in this forum I noted from the BAF main pages.

Prayers for your continued recovery...


I have an active AVM, as well as 2 clipped aneurysms. I've had Gamma Knife radiation 3 times to shrink the AVM. (Close to 2 hours the first time, just under an hour the 2nd time, and nearly 2 hours the 3rd time.)

I was told repeatedly that I would not lose hair from the GK radiation. About 3 months after my first GK/2 months after my craniotomy, I lost quite a bit of hair--2 large spot in the area of my AVM were almost bald + thinning overall. I also lost hair after my 3rd GK radiation.

Hi again…I have had 1 ct angio and1 intraoperative angio…most of my patients have had more radiation than that :)…I am sure it is contributing but not convinced that is the cause…I like judith’s response…will keep this board posted about the progress…

Met with a dermatologist last week…she thinks it is telogen effluvium based on the timing of 3 months from the surgical stress. According to her it might take unto an year for the hair cycles to normalize.
Biotin supplements were recommended…however they only help with faster growth of the hair…do no prevent hair loss or stimulate new growth…I’ll try them…she also recommended iron supplements as Fe deficiency can also cause hair loss…also getting my thyroid function checked next week

I’ll check with the radiologists at work place about relationship of radiation and hair loss

My hairdresser noticed my hair was thinner in spots at 2.5 months out