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Sounds interesting and I looked into this years ago, however too many lawns and parks being chemically treated now that I just don’t feel comfortable walking on those barefoot. Plus you have to watch out for bees- especially if you’re allergic. I guess you can enjoy it walking on the beach.

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If anyone is willing to give this a go, I will include another part to this simple grounding procedure. Nothing to lose and all that.

Imagine a golden light entering the top of your head and exiting out through you feet and hands. No words are necessary to describe the golden light, religious, New Age or otherwise. Just image-in the golden light passing through your body from top to bottom. Belief systems not necessary. :slight_smile:

I get your concerns. In my neck of the woods, we have fire ants and yes I had to have someone with a pesticide license come out after one of our dogs got attacked by the nasty buggers and treat it with chemicals. But as soon as they were watered in and the lawn dried, all was safe, I called the manufacturer. The warning I was given if any product which is meant to kill fire ants isn’t watered in, it could cause liver damage to the dogs. It was an amazing amount of work to water in where the dogs can roam as it requires ¼ - ½” of water and no more. The company we were using before then, never told us their product needed watered in. The chemicals they used weren’t effective in eradicating them, they just moved their colonies.

As @Peter shares, there’s more than one way to achieve grounding. The way I was taught back in the mid 90’s was to sit or lay down, do my relaxation breathing and with every breath in, imagine a color and breath that color in. With every exhale, imagine a different color and breath that color out. I chose white and black, but it really doesn’t matter what color. The person teaching me also had me start with taking the positive color down to my feet and exhaling the negative color, going from my feet up to my head. It’s amazing how effective it is.

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