Good Books

Anyone have any recommendations for some good books on exercising your brain? My mom really enjoys doing the things like lumosity activities. If you know of any books with similar activities or advice let me know! thanks!

I too love luminosity. I also went thru word find books. On my phone I have an app called CrossFingers. It’s a puzzle app. Works the brain and its free. Good luck

I don’t have any books to recommend but I really like the “Watch That” app and the Bookworm game.

Thanks! We thought about how helpful a smart phone would be for my mom with the apps and things the only problem is she's lost about 4 cell phones and 2 ipods since her aneurysm :( haha

My husband studied at University of Baltimore with the author of this book: Mind Games Although it's fairly dated now (1999), it's still very relevant, and a very accessible take on how the brain works, and what you can do to keep it functioning at optimum proficiency, as well as games to play to keep you fresh.

I liked The Social Animal by David Brooks -- it explains how the mind functions in social society through a series of stories surrounding one family, though at times it did drone a bit, but then again, that's Brooks. ;)

Imagine: How Creativity Works by Joseph Lehrer was incredibly informative, blew my mind on how your brain works on the creative end of the scale of things, and as a teacher got me all hyped-up and excited about using the arts more in my classroom. Loved reading the stories of people like Steve Jobs and Pixar, Bob Dylan, etc.