Going Back to Work

Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in a while, but I thought this would be a good place to turn to for some answers. I am still recovering from an aneurysm rupture and coil at the end of January. I feel significantly better, but am still dealing with fatigue, eye pain, and migraines. Compared to not even being able to open my eye for about 3 weeks- I feel much better. I am a high school teacher, and I found out that I have to return to work for 3 weeks at the end of May because I am not eligible for FMLA having only been at my school for 8 months instead of the required 12. I feel anxiety thinking about returning to work and having a schedule where I can't just stop and nap when I feel necessary. How did you guys feel returning to work, and was there anything that helped you get through the days? I am most worried about the fatigue and my uncontrollable emotions that I experience daily. Luckily, it is only for 3 weeks and then I will have the summer to continue my recovery. Any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Hi Laura...I do not work out of the house so I considered myself blessed...I admire all of you that go back to work...especially with the symptoms we all experience after the surgery...I would hold close to the fact I would only have to do this for 3 weeks...and I would come home at night and rest and relax and sleep at least 8 hours if this is doable...Besides this ... I will let those that returned to work help you out...because I don't know what else to tell you especially since you are a teacher and it isn't as easy to get up and walk around and/or into bathroom...

I must tell you Laura I have a droopy eye and face since my coiling, but that is workable (and worse when I have a migraine)...but my eye pain can be excruciating and it has been three years...I am told one of my cranial nerves is damaged (CN 3)...but after that is said...nothing else is offered...although one time they mentioned nerve damage medicines and I said "no"...(usually consists of seizure meds)...what are the Doctors telling you about the pain...

Good Luck sweetie...will keep you in my Thoughts and prayers...~ Colleen

Hi Laura,

I have not returned to work yet outside of the home either, I'm sorry I can't be more help. I would reach out to fellow teachers for assistance. Is another teacher who has a break during the day who can step in and help while you rest? I would also go to the Principal, what type of help can they offer you in the classroom so that you can make it through the day? I have been in touch with my co-workers, and the love and support from them have been amazing. I didn't think anyone cared that much! I wish you the best of luck for the 3 weeks, don't be too hard on yourself. You've come so far, be easy on your body if it can't perform the way you want it to. Easier said than done, I know.

Laura...you have your hands full...

Does your school have any assistants for which you may have the privilege; i.e. who is covering your classes now? Can they still be available?

Can you plan for, and take a nap during lunch hour?

Can you secure transportation...and, not be driving during the commuter times? Are you driving with your eye pain status?

Your recovery is so important...re: your eye pain....have you seen a neuro-ophthalmalogist?

Have you gotten the premium sunglasses to ease light change?

Prayers for your continued recovery...and, success in help from your school to work thru 3 weeks...



YOU CAN DO THIS. My aneurysm ruptured last October; I returned to work full time in March, not because I felt ready, but because I had exhausted my paid leave. I would NOT have been able to do it, without both a supportive family and a supportive crew at work... sounds like maybe you too are lucky enough to have both of those?

I hope so -- and if so, then they will want to help -- let them.

Re: emotions -- I can't help with that but hopefully somebody else can.

Re: fatigue

I agree with all earlier suggestions, esp. training your focus on getting through the 3 weeks; reaching out to coworkers for assistance; getting rest if at all possible during the day; and getting help with transportation.*

If you were my daughter -- I'd insist you move in with me, just for 3 weeks, and let me handle everything at home so you could focus on work while at work, and on healing while at home. (I realize not everyone is able to help in this way.:)

You'll get through this, and then get much stronger through the summer.

Best of luck, T

*I'm new to this site so not familiar enough yet to know if there is a section about being cautious when driving after an aneurysm. I'm SO LUCKY that my doctor referred me to have a driving test -- I failed it and am not allowed on the highways until I retake, and pass it. I was completely unaware of how my reaction time had been negatively impacted -- it hadn't occurred to me that I was significantly impaired in that area.

Terri..welcome...and, thank you for sharing the driver info... that is so critical and too often overlooked...by the docs...

You were blessed that your doc was open / upfront... did (s)he also refer you to neurologist and/or neuro-ophthalmologist?

Prayers for your continued recovery



RE:... emotions...apx mid-March I asked "ask the doc" about our "limbic system" space above our pituitary area...the research I had done on limbic system is that it is also known as our "emotion brain"...

You may want to review limbic system online...to ask your docs about it...whenever you will be seeing them...

Prayers for success thru your 3 weeks...and that you get your rest...


I'm looking at returning this month also, due to paid benefits depleting. I drive over an hour to work and over an hour home. I have been practicing short stints in the car. I'm not nervous about the driving, although my rupture happened while driving. I know when to say no. My concern is making it to work on time, making it through eight hours without a rest and then driving home. Napping is not an option. I am in charge of two bank branches and there is no cot or sofa, and no private space. Any input on vitamins, etc that could help me out?