Gliosis after 7years

So a few months ago i started having seizures. After 7years has passed since my first clipping in 2016 and then a stent placement in 2019 i thought i was in the clear. It turns out although i do not have any physical imparements i did not walk out unhinged. I was under a lot of stress prior to my first seizure and ultimetly 5days in the hospital 2 eegs one brief and one 72hour EEG later no answers. Now neurologist and epileptic specialist agreed the only way to figure this out is to take me off my medication. To do that i need to be admitted and monitored for 5days off medications on the EEG monitor. I am dreading it, but i also need answers. Anybody here experiencing this after a craniotomy? I been experincing a lot of diziness and memory loss difficulties focusing and i just dont know what to make of this. Im having trouble controling my moods and im mostly out of mind all day im here but im not its worriying.

That’s a lot on your plate, my goodness. I know from the client population I served when I was able to work, sometimes the answer lied within taking them off the medications just so a baseline could be seen. They didn’t have craniotomies though. I think it’s a good thing you’re going to be in the hospital for them to monitor you. I hope those who have had craniotomies answer you.