Diagnosed 10-3-13

Hi all! My name is Luz, 44 year old female. A few weeks ago I was having headaches during heavy weightlifting that would last for days. Went to the doctor with what I thought was an ear infection and also told him about the headaches. Had an MRI/MRA scheduled and they found the "bulge". Saw the Neurologist today and have a 2 mm in diameter aneurysm. Right now we're just going to watch it and I'm trying to decide if I want to have an angiogram done. The aneurysm isn't related to the headaches, just an incidental finding. Nonetheless, I'm glad we found it now and not later. I can't lift heavy weights anymore but that's a small sacrifice. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Hi and Welcome Again...I wanted to tell you...I had a 9mm leaking basilar artery brain aneurysm coiled...and I have a 2mm brain aneurysm behind my left eye...Doctors have been watching for over 3 years...I cannot lift heavy weights...but I am a runner, avid walker, do weights 3 times a week...nothing over 5 pounds repetition is the key for me...eventually you learn what works...~ Colleen

Hello Luz, I am 48 year old female. My aneurysm was also incidental found. I went in for headaches and it was found on a ct scan. I couldn't wait to get mine fixed. Mine was a larger one. I had to wait 17 days because of being on the Plavix and aspirin and it was the longest 17 days of my life. I had mine coiled and also the new pipeline device. Its been 3 months so I am still in my recovery. I am doing well but I cant wait until my 6 month check to hear that it is healed. I wish you all the best. I hope you find peace in what ever you decide to do. Deb H

Hi luz, welcome to the family !

Sorry you've got the news that you have an aneurysm but glad it was caught now. Was it an MRA or an MRI that detected your annie- The "gold standard: in testing for an aneurysm is an Angiogram with contrast dye, so i'd think if i were in your position i'd push to get one done...it can see detail more so than any other test..also, i'd still seriously question the headaches as they came on during weight lifting? have you had similar headaches in your past? I mean, when doing other strenuous activities? For whatever the reason, many doctors will say that aneurysms cause no symptoms, however ..I, along with many others on this Site , will tell you otherwise.

Take care, Janet

Hi Janet! It was found on the MRI/MRA. My Neurologist stated a conventional angiogrm would be better to do over a CTA but of course some risks involved in it. I'm waiting for my Internist to get back to me first as I had a few questions for him before I decide what to do next. I had these types of headaches start in 2010 and the headaches always happen when I'm lifting heavy weights. Other strenuous activities I don't get headaches. I can run, do yoga, walk, swim and no headaches. I plan on making an appointment with the Internist next week. Thanks Janet!