Clear MRA Persisting Symptoms

My eye pain is persisting after my clear MRA scan with contrast. I get tingling in my temple, pain and pressure in the same temple and behind that eye and when I look up my lower eyelid feels tight and the whole eye feels a bit tight and stuck. I also feel like I have more of those black floaters in just that eye. My test has come back completely clear but I’m worried they’ve missed something. My half sister had a ruptured brain aneurysm. How reliable are the MRA with contrast investigations? Should I trust it and my doctor? I’ve been back to the doctors many times now and they are trying to reassure me but it’s not working. I’m terrified that I have a brain aneurysm because of my symptoms.

I had a CT scan first and it identified a large mass. Following that, an MRI with contrast dyes revealed it was an aneurysm. Before having treatment (I was offered 2 options) I had a cerebral angiogram. My doctor told me the cerebral angiogram is the gold standard which gives the best picture (3D) of the aneurysm. I think that the MRI with contrast dyes is reliable, but the angiogram gives more detail.

So sorry to hear you’re still experiencing pain and fear. I truly don’t know if any surgeon would do an angiogram if an MRI or CT didn’t show anything. Angiograms have their own set of risks, they are not minor risks. MRI has no risks unless you’re allergic to the contrast dyes.

What has your doctor said is the cause and treatment?