Celt ACD closure device - angiogram game changer!

I just had my 7th angiogram earlier today, and along with the great news that my two pipeline diverters have worked and I won’t need another Angio (next scan being a MRA in 5 years), the other great news was this new to me closure device called Celt ACD. Previously I would need to lie completely flat for 3 hours after an Angio - with the Celt I was sitting up right away, and discharged way faster. Here’s hoping more folks get the benefit of this new closure device! This was at Mass General in Boston, FYI.


That’s wonderful news Jonathan! I’d never heard of that closure device, I had different types but never learned their names and for each of the femoral entries, it was the three hours with a weight on it. The radial entry was my favorite lol. Thank you so much for sharing!

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Hi luckyj
I had mine at MGH too. Would be great to connect.


Yes, please let everyone know any more details about this ‘magic technology’ - sounds like a real game changer for those of us who feel like they need a catheter to survive the angiogram and the 4 hour clock watch with a Websters Unabridged riding on our bladder!
Any info who makes it, etc. would be wonderful for those of us on the opposite coast (San Diego, CA) would really help us lead our IR to possibly make use of it!!
Thank you,