Been looking for a group like this

I have been looking for a group like this. Though its easy to say yeah I have brain aneurysms too. I feel there are not enough people to talk to who have unruptured aneurysm's

Hi jk, i totally agree. This can be an isolating experience as people don’t seem to know enough about it. This group/forum has allowed me to feel less lonely and hope it does you too

Hi, jk. There are lots of discussions to go to. Yes, it’s nice to have others who understand. No, no one is happy about it but this gives you a chance to vent, tell your story, find others who seem to have your exact experiences. This wasn’t around 10 years ago when I had procedures…you really need people who understand…especially the initial fear/shock… So, share away, ask questions, etc.

Completely agree! When I found out about my aneurysm(s), some of my friends were looking at me like I was liable to die at their feet any second, and some were blase-- "oh, too bad. So, what are you doing this weekend?" And in my mind I went every few minutes from "no big deal, plenty of people have these and don't know about it; I may have had this thing in my head forever, no rush" to feeling like death was imminent and I should get my affairs in order. And then I had some (minor, but serious) complications after my repair that I wasn't expecting, and that threw me for a loop, too.

Anyway, it's so helpful to have a place where people understand what you're going through.