Back to work

It's back to work for me on the 2nd. I must admit I am a little afraid. I do clerical work at a food distributor. I really do not like my job, not because of the work, but because I work with a girl with a nasty attitude. I really don't know why she affects me in such a negative way. It's a new experience for me since I have never worked with someone so disrespectful before. To tell you the truth, I have contemplated the notion that the stress I was under at work (and at home) actually caused my aneurysm! Does anyone know if this is a possibility?

I am doing so well. No detectable problems at all, other than my hair has not grown back in and the cave in at my right temple, the bumps on my noggin, and not being able to completely open my mouth. I am a very lucky girl when I think of what all could have happened to me after having a ruptured aneurysm clipped. I guess I am afraid that once I get back to work, something different about me with start to be noticeable.

The survivors guilt gets to me sometimes. I find myself wondering why I was in the lucky 50%. The younger lady next to me in the ICU didn't make it. Why her and not me? What is it that God has in mind for me?

Hi Cindy-

I don't think stress causes annies. I am sorry you work with such an awful person. I try to look at those type of people this way- they must be so miserable that they try to bring everyone around them down to their level. Good luck with work.

As for what God has in mind for you? Great question. What have you been putting off doing? Think about the things you have wanted to do, and start doing them. All the best.


Hi Cindy,

I too have often wondered if stress caused my aneurysm because I have been under constant stress for many years! In fact, I can't remember a time in my life when everything was good and I had no stress! I have always taken care of myself and I have always eaten well. I never been overweight. I don't smoke and only drink red wine ( two glasses ) and that's only since I discovered I previously had a stroke! I have low cholesterol and low blood pressure. I have a sister, a lot older. She has never eaten healthily and is a very heavy drinker and smoker, yet she if fine. It does make you wonder if stress plays a part. As for the girl you work with, pity her! She probably has a very unhappy life and is taking it out on everyone around her. Don't allow her to bring you down. Be kind to her, although it's hard and maybe she will change her bad attitude.

Eve x

Ah that is the incredible question in Life..."God's plan"... none of us know, but important to trust and embrace...

Good Luck on going back to work...please don't over do it...and know we will have you in our thoughts ~ Colleen

Thanks for all your replies. Today begins a new year. Let's all pray it will be a good one. I don't have my next check up till the end of the year, :-). All of you are so awesome, and I am so glad I found you!