Anxious about upcoming procedure

Having a lot of anxiety about my upcoming coiling procedure on 4mm aneurysm. Could really use some support of positive stories. I have 3 young kids at home and just hope and pray for it all to be successfully behind me and back at home with them.

Hi, I as well have an unruptured aneurysm and have to have coiling surgery and at times I get scared but then I hold fast to Gods never changing hand and he gives me comfort! I do however find it strange that they are coiling a 4mm anni. Did you get a second opinion? From my knowledge anything under 5mm is supposed to be just watch.

Well, my surgeon left it up to me. He said I could wait and watch or treat…that it wouldn’t be wrong to do either. He said he had seen 4mm ones rupture, but also told me the percentages. He then explained to me that there was a psychological aspect to it as well. He posed the question…can you walk out of here and not think about it for a few months at a time until your next scan?
For me I get like that would be really hard. Maybe not as hard if it was a 2mm or 3mm, but 4 felt closer to 5. I hope I am making the right decision.

i understand your anxiety i also have a stent and coiling procedure on feb10th just started the plavix and asa,i also have 3 kids but they are adults and alot of grandkids amazing husband and big family.I am with you all the way and we will both be fine

What size is yours Ruby? I will be thinking about and praying for you! My kids are 10, 4, and 2.

Hi Kim, it is going to be a piece of cake. You are probably getting one of the least invasive procedures and I am sure you are in good hands. Afterwards you will be back to enjoying life and sharing your experiences to help others and "holding" their hand through it all. Just close your eyes and pictures those babies and you will fall asleep and before you know if you will wake up thinking of them. Stay strong take deep breaths and when that fails, drink wine :) Carol

Thank you so much for your support Carol. It really does help. I feel like with mine being 4mm I am in a sort of “grey area”…do I watch and wait and be nervous that something could happen each day and just scan every so often?
Or just do the coiling now and hopefully be done forever? It’s a really hard decision.
Also, I am only 33 years old.

I know how you feel. Even though mine was 9mm, I was walking on eggshells until the day I finally was done and left the hospital. Then I found out I had a 2mm that was left there. At first I was afraid and then I figured what the heck, and now I barely think about it. I do my yearly scans and just live my life. You are right in that area where they can wait or go and I think with the 3 kids you are doing the right thing. Get it done so you don't have to worry. I'll be thinking of you Kim :)

Kim said:

Thank you so much for your support Carol. It really does help. I feel like with mine being 4mm I am in a sort of "grey area" I watch and wait and be nervous that something could happen each day and just scan every so often?
Or just do the coiling now and hopefully be done forever? It's a really hard decision.
Also, I am only 33 years old.

Thank you Carol.

hi kim my annie is large 16mm with a wide neck so that is why the stent as well as coils also basilar tip so i know i have to try,i am sure the doctor woudn't try if he didn't he was able to do this.Sometimes in life you just have to take a chance and i feel this is my chance if this doesn't work then i will have to wait and watch for a new procedure but positive thoughts only for the both of us

Kim said:

What size is yours Ruby? I will be thinking about and praying for you! My kids are 10, 4, and 2. glad for your for your thing it should do is decrease/eliminate the number of scans to check status...tho there is some post-procedure...please elt us know which artery and left or right.

I am glad for you to make your decision... to reduce the volume status-check scans...

Blessings for your decision and prayers for your results. the basilar tip the area where the VAs joing to form the basilar...or the opposite end where the basilar bifurcates to the PCA's?

You, many of you, are blessed to have the ability, the chance, to make your decisions.

Prayers for your results... and, to any one I may have missed here...

ruby said:

hi kim my annie is large 16mm with a wide neck so that is why the stent as well as coils also basilar tip so i know i have to try,i am sure the doctor woudn't try if he didn't he was able to do this.Sometimes in life you just have to take a chance and i feel this is my chance if this doesn't work then i will have to wait and watch for a new procedure but positive thoughts only for the both of us

Kim said:

What size is yours Ruby? I will be thinking about and praying for you! My kids are 10, 4, and 2.

Thank you so much.m, and it is on the right.

Hello, I as well have an unruptured 7mm left optamalic aneurysm. My aneurysm was diagnosed in March 2015 and was coiled and stent placed in May 2015. I am 38 years old and also have boys ages 15, 8 and 4. My anxiety kicked into overdrive. The surgery was successful and the day after surgery I was up and walking the hallways. I remained hospitalized for a total of 2 days. From my neurosurgeon I was advised anything under 6mm is just to be watched. I can understand your reasoning for wanting the procedure completed also, but even after my coiling procedure it took me almost 6 months of reassuring that my chances of rupturing were decreasing with each day. But even with the procedure the % rate of rupture will still be there?? Good luck with your procedure, all will be fine...just a big scary thought as with any procedure. I will keep you in my thoughts

hi! i can so relate to your fears, i was coiled and its a very easy fix, hang in there and think positive and you will be fine! prayers for you and team Kim! tc

Hey Kim, my Dad had a 5mm aneurysm embedded deep with the brain on the middle cerebral artery and it was wide necked and in a tricky area to stent.... but the surgeon used a pipeline stent and coils and it worked beautifully! I was more scared about the operation than I had been about anything before but I've come to learn that this procedure is so much more common than we realise! My Dad also had to get his carotid artery in his neck stented the day before (different matter, nothing to do with the anuerysm) and he actually came out of the aneurysm operation a lot better than the carotid! Goodluck to you and know that you are in wonderful hands.

Kristy, I’m confused…why was your percentage rate of rupture still there?

Hi Kim. My aneurysm ruptured and I had 2 lots of coiling plus a stent and now I am fine. I'm sure you will be also and back home before you know it! Good luck!

Hi Kim, I had a ruptured aneurysm right in the middle of my brain 4 weeks ago. I had coiling done, and am recovering nicely. I have just started driving again and getting around. Still very tired a lot of the time, but that’s also probably a lot to do with being 6 months pregnant.
I’m sure you will be fine, you will be in safe hands.

I’m so happy for you Denise! God was watching out for you for sure!!
So after the anuerysm is coiled it’s not able to rupture anymore right?