Anterior communicating artery aneuyrsm 3mm- new to board

I had bad headaches on and off for a year- had scans done and they found a 3mm aneurysm in the anterior communicating artery area on the left side (I have an anomaly as I do not have an ACA connecting the arteries). They don't think the headaches have anything to do with it. My neurologist had me in a panic as he said I need to see a neurosurgeon asap as this is extremely serious. Spoke to neuro surgeon on phone and he said don't panic, we will evaluate it but at that size it is too small to do surgery on it and that we can monitor it. Anyone else in similar situation.

Hi there Jerry,

I am in sort of the same situation that you are in. Today I went to my neurosurgeon for my yearly check up because I had 3 out of 4 aneurysms treated (stent). My aneurysm were/are on the carotid artery. Currently I have a 3.5mm left that still needs to be treated. I was given two options today to continue to monitor it for the next year and see if it changes in size or to have another surgery to have it treated and be done with it. I have been researching and reading but still am having a difficult time deciding what course of action I should take. They say that 3mm is small and the ones that are operable are usually closer to 5mm. But you have to be aware of your symptoms and if the headaches are bad enough get a second opinion. Hopefully this helps. If you need anything else let me know

Jerry, I had a 9 mm one taken care of with stent and coil…through artery. I have another one…also about 3 mm that is just being watched. It hasn’t changed in the 8 and 1/2 years since they were discovered. I’m sorry you have headaches. I hope the neurosurgeon can give you insight as to why. I hope they keep an eye on things…like an occasional MRI or angiogram…so you can feel more at ease. I remember the panic and shock I was in from the time they were found until my ‘surgery’. Others on here have mentioned Post Traumatic Stress Disorder…am sure that’s what I would have called it… I was completely stunned and couldn’t function…and it was through the Christmas holiday. I hope that this is not the way it is with you. I barely give my 3mm a thought now as nothing has changed. I hope you can feel the same calm soon…

Hi Jerry,

Try not to panic. I know it’s difficult not too but do try. Have u considered getting a second opinion? I was having all types of symptoms and was told they were not related to the Annie. I had a 2mm Annie on my carotid artery and both my neurologist and my neurosurgeon said since it was so small we could just monitor it for a year but it would be my choice. I had a choice. I decided to go through with a clipping. After the surgery was completed, my surgeon said he was so glad I decided to take care of it rather than wait. For me, surgery turned out to be the right decision. Since the surgery all of my pre surgery symptoms have gone away. I would suggest you get a second opinion, pray and then decide.

Hi Jerry
So sorry for your headaches, but they became a life saver to alert you about your discovered aneurysm so at that, they became a blessing in disguise. Unrupture aneurysm? You’re ahead of the game so don’t panic, I know it’s easier said than done, but try.
In 2013, I had 2 annies treated and my 3rd, well same situation to answer your question. I am no doctor, but you should consider the factors that will make it easier to choose an answer to your question.
Do you experience from high blood pressure, liver problems, habitual smoking, drug use? These are high risk factors for an aneurysm to rupture. Aneurysms can rupture because of these high risk factors or just do apart from them. Aneurysms are unpredictable and doctors can’t guarantee that they will never rupture no matter the size small or large. Only you can answer your question, what does your heart tells you? Don’t make your decision based on fear, but faith and understanding. Remember only you will live out your outcome. I wish you the best, keep us posted.

Hi Jerry. Sorry for your situation. I have Polycystic kidney and that can also cause annies. I have 2 but no symptoms but an appointment with surgeon tomorrow 12/3 so will try and let u know the outcome. Scared for sure at whatever they choose to do. Regards. Andrea


I have had one aneurysm clipped and they are watching another one on my carotid artery. by any chance did they tell you that you had to have a stent and that you cannot coil or clip the aneurysm on your carotid artery? I read that somewhere that you cannot do that. I'm nervous.

Very similar…I had a strange headache, had an MRI whicH showed a 4 mm aneurysm, and my physicians claim that it has no relation to my headache. I decided to monitor it rather than treat.

I just got an appointment with the doctor, neurosurgeon, so this is all new to me. My appointment is Thursday, so I will see what they say. I will keep you posted! Thanks, Jerry

What do you mean that carotid arteries can’t be coiled nor clipped? I just had my annie coiled with 2 stents this past 11/07/13 om my right carotid artery!!

I am glad to hear that. I read that somewhere and was worried.

I've emailed my dr's office and so far they haven't answered.

Please share the snswer once your email gets answered.

Hello my situation is very similar and my surgeon said the same not to panic , that was pretty hard at first ! My is 4mm and I am having another MRI scan in August to see any changes, it’s been monitored and the neurosurgeon said its about how you handle risk, so I am ok to wait and see. I have had a second option from another neurosurgeon and he provided me with great detail and because I have a sister who has had 2 raptures he said I would be best to get it operated on should it grow any further and I will do that if that happens and mine is located in exactly the same area as yours hope in some small way the info helps take care

Did you doctor put you on any restrictions? Working out, etc

Are you just asking me if I was put on restrictions? No, I wasn’t… Was told to just go on with my life as always… Thought it was odd but I don’t think they know what might make it worse…other than high blood pressure… Am in meds for that…and exercise a bit. I don’t overdo it, though…but have had to work pretty hard at things a few times…just catch myself and slow down.

Hi "chick" was wondering if your doctors put you on any restrictions such as not working out, etc. Please let me know

Hi Jerry neither of the doctors I saw mentioned it , just enjoy yourself in moderation. One doctor said that I would have to see the anthestists abit before the surgery to make sure there wouldn’t be any complications . I have hypertension and on tablets for that.

Interior Communicating Artery Aneurysm - New to the board as well. I was having migraines and neck pain for over a month. Went to the doctor and had an MRI/ MRA done and a few days later I received a call stating that I have a 2-3mm aneurysm on my left internal carotid artery. I was referred to a Neurosurgeon and I was told I was not a candidate for coiling because the aneurysm is so small. However, the Neurosurgeon said I can either watch it annually or opt to do the clipping surgery. I feel like a walking time bomb. I cannot decide which route to take. I am so scared.

Any suggestions that will help me get through this?

Mine were/are in my right carotid artery. A 9mm has had stent/coil. The 3 mm …they are keeping an eye on. They were discovered in '04…stent in in Feb. '05…coil then done in April '05. They are watching the 3mm… No change in the 9 years…at least none they tell me about… Always say things look good… I have MRI/MRA once a year and feel comfortable with their opinion. How are you feeling? Besides eye pain before the procedure and feeling…well…not right, I haven’t felt that odd feeling. Btw…anyone else told to always make sure they put you in the old type MRI machine with less power? They don’t want the magnet pulling things out of place. Good luck to you and I can’t say don’t worry…I remember the frozen fear I felt when I was told I had them and needed attention ASAP… All’s good now. Good luck.

My doc recommended a CT Angio. Probably will just watch it is what I was told and to resume your normal lifestyle. They are not overly concerned with this as the size is very small.