Annual RM check coils and pipeline stent

Today was the day of the annual RM check…and I was a little bit warried.
I had my rupture on february 2009, first coil and 1 year later I had the PED.
In September 2010 I had an angiogram control and everything was ok.
Today everything was ok as well and the doctor said I do not need anymore medical check due to the complete occlusion of the Annie…, seems a very great result.
I do prefer to have one year medical check to avoid any surprise , and I’m waiting on this a feed back from the doctor .
Thank you all for the support.


So glad that your checkup went well and that you are annie free!!! I so look forward to the day when I am told that the PED gave me a full occlusion!! Keeping my fingers crossed for my December angio.
In the meantime, celebrate!! you deserve it for all you've been through

Best wishes and hugs your way,


(((((((((((Giovanni))))))))) absolutely wonderful news!!!!!!!! Bless you ! Huggs and continued prayers for you!

Juulie in Delaware

Hi Giovanni…Good News…and Thumbs up…! Cyber~hugs Colleen

Congratulations Giovanni. Best wishes from Marian