Aneurysm in 1970

In 1970 I experienced a burst subarachnoid aneurysm that was operated on and clipped. The operation was successful for me but was done by opening up the side of my skull leaving a long scar that ran from the front of the skull back and around down to my ear. This healed over time but I have intermittently felt pulling and twinges in the area.The results for me physicallya were minimal and I was very lucky but psychologically the trauma and some memory loss were the worst. These were never dealt with by my doctors and i tried to do so on my own to varying degrees of success. The past few years and now especially I feel so much pulling, twinges and sensitivity to toucharound the scar area! I am worried . My neurosurgeon(s) are long since gone and my family doctor is not available anymore(retired). Just wanted to see if there is anyone else out there from my generation with any similar experience. I never had anyone to talk to about this other that my wonderful wife and I don’t want to worry her. BTW, 64 years old.

Very common! You had a lot of nerves severed and some grew back, some didn’t. Numbness, pain twitches are very common after with any surgical scar.

Thanks Sheri. I realize what you say is accurate but these sensations have increased in frequency, duration and annoyance recently caompared to the past. I go for a brain catscan next Wednesday to check out the area real good. Hope they find nothing of a troublesome nature. I can live with this if I know it’s not something serious going on inside there. A couple weeks of uncertainty again. TY . Joe

sheri fisher said:

Very common! You had a lot of nerves severed and some grew back, some didn’t. Numbness, pain twitches are very common after with any surgical scar.

good morning i am 41 and had an anyerism back in oct 09…i am by no means an expert but i am a survivor such as yourself…i would find a nuerologist inyour area and make an appt it is probably scar tissue on your nerve endings and medicine has come along way since then, im sure there is something they can do for you…good luck and God bless

JUst wanted to say good luck with the catscan on Wednesday Joe! I hate that uncertainty time, it sure is unsettling. It is nice to see a survivior here from 1970! that makes me feel quite young…I was only in diapers when you had your clipping. I was one! When I had my surgery, you were , lets see…62 not quite in diapers…ha ha not even close, i’d call us the same generation. I just turned 41 and once ya hit the big 40 we are all the same age!! Thinking about you and hoping you get answers you need and your not uncomfortable physcially and can happily live with your wonderful wife. Since my clipping, I sometimes experience sensations of shooting pain. I’m told it’s nerves. YOu’d think they would be healed and would stop. The human head is a crazy complex thing…

Tracy, You’re such a dear. Thanks soooooo much for your kind remarks and good wishes for me. I REALLY appreciate hearing from you and having your support. Right back at ya sweetie. Things can only get better if we want them to and have the right attitude. As I’ve said for years, my clipped aneurysm or the alternative…no choice. Thank God for these oppotunities. Best wishes. Happy Easter !!
XXOO , Joe in PA

Tracy Olfert said:

JUst wanted to say good luck with the catscan on Wednesday Joe! I hate that uncertainty time, it sure is unsettling. It is nice to see a survivior here from 1970! that makes me feel quite young…I was only in diapers when you had your clipping. I was one! When I had my surgery, you were , lets see…62 not quite in diapers…ha ha not even close, i’d call us the same generation. I just turned 41 and once ya hit the big 40 we are all the same age!! Thinking about you and hoping you get answers you need and your not uncomfortable physcially and can happily live with your wonderful wife. Since my clipping, I sometimes experience sensations of shooting pain. I’m told it’s nerves. YOu’d think they would be healed and would stop. The human head is a crazy complex thing…


TY, Michelle. Did it this PM and am awaiting the results !!! Don’t know when I’ll get 'em but thanks again for you thoughtfulness !

michelle patterson said:


Hey, this is old! Closing it to posts, feel free to start a new thread