Amandas fight to live

My.friend Amanda has suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm and stroke… Shes had two brain surgeries and shes on day six of her recovery. Today shes looking at us. I can only describe it as like a newborn baby would. told us the area of the brain it happened in is where speach and eye sight are. She also tried grabbing her ventilator out and they had to tie down her arms. Is all this normal? When shes looking at us the way she does could that mean she may not be able to see us or is she just confused on whats.going on? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Jan,

You have to consider that Amanda is only on day six after having two surgeries---she's so early on in her recovery! I too tried to grab every tube that was connected to my body, yanking a number of them out from what I'm told, doing so more then once. I was in a coma for six weeks after a rupture in 2006, and I too had my eyes open but I recall nothing of that six weeks. And yes, I had my arms tied down in no time after pulling out tubes and what not, so yeah i'd say its a fairly common reaction--and yes, no doubt Amanda is in a confused state of mind right about now.

Although this all has got to be very disconcerting for you and other friends and family, hang tight. This whole thing is the beginning of a long journey....Keep the faith and keep going in to see Amanda, talk to her, maybe bring her things that are her favorites (perfume, blanket or pillow from home, this kind of thing) and maybe bring in some music that she likes on a CD that can be played softly. I know this is anything but simple or easy!

Sending lots of healing vibes and good thoughts her way,

Peace, Janet

Thank you so much for your reply. We are going to start bringing things that she enjoyed to her like you suggested. She seems to be pouting when she looks at us and hears our voices and a few times she has tears. Its a heartbreaking event and I’m so sorry you have also went through something so terrible. We are staying positive and there for her every step of the way. Jan

Hi ... I too recall and so does my hubs trying to pull out ventilator...I think this is normal when first waking from a coma...but all is so confusing and scary...Remember what I told you the slightest improvements are big with brain injury...her waking is a start..."one step at a time" are a good friend... ~ wishing today a better day for all ~ Colleen

Thank you! Yes her waking has made us so happy. I can’t thank you enough for responding to my posts. It helps tremendously! Jan

Thank you Sue for your reply. We have been talking to her all day. Anything and everything. We have showed her pictures also. We are going to try the music also. The soctors are telling us that ahe is responding quickly and thats good. Also her scans look good. We are very hopeful for a good recovery. Thanks again!

Hi Jan, I don't have much to offer since I was very lucky that my aneurysm was clipped prior to popping. But there were some moments after surgery when I was in the hospital where I could hear everything being said even though I'm told I looked as if I did not. It made me feel so much better hearing my family's voices...knowing they were beside me. Luckily my sister kept talking non stop...although I remember bits and pieces of her one sided conversation. Even now when my brain gets 'tired' and I start forgetting words or talking in chopped sentences, my family is very patient and gentle. Those who surrounded me during this healing period have proven to be such a blessing.

Thank you for your response. I.hope she hears us. We are showing her videos and pictures. Anything to help her through her process. Its going to be a long road,but.we are staying very positive. Jan

hi Jan! prayers to you all~~ what really brought me down to earth was the familiar faces of family and friends, i remember not knowing what to say in such a confused, drugged state but the familiar faces really helps but it took weeks for me to "get" all the new data, why i was there, who were the newbie friends visiting, why a feeding tube?? etc etc. Hang in there things will get better- i was not expected to survive and if i did would need care in a nursing home which thank God was not the case,ps ijust saw you are local was or is she in Jefferson? oh and yes her vision was probably affected and may be seeing two or three of you! or blurry, the stare of a newborn is a great description- we are like newborns in many ways, feel free to write me if you have any questions, also you can chat with us- i'm usually there!

Thanks Ron! Good news!!! Today my friend had the ventilator & feeding tube taken out and when asked if she knew her name & where she was she was able to answer correctly. She talks but very low. She cried a few times but I’m in shock how fast shes improved in a week. These are all great signs if a great recovery! I haven’t been able to sleep for a week but I finally feel a sense of relief :slight_smile: is this normal recovery process time for some? Because I have read some really heartbreaking stories and it really hurts me. Jan

:slight_smile: thank you so much Sue! Yea I’m super excited :slight_smile:

yw jan! you are a good friend to her--awesome! Yes that is normal recovery- it is slow but there is daily improvements. That is great news- i vaguely recall a nurse tending to the tubes and saying one by one they will all disappear- i really didn't understand but i knew a tube coming out of belly i did not want!!-lol Jan this is a sad place and i know you must be devastated but also there are the miracles and success stories, wow she is lucky to have feeding tube taken away- mine had to remain in a minimum of 12 weeks so i had to come home with a giant tube coming out of my belly- gross. hang in there be strong, your friend needs you more than ever- it truly is darkest before the dawn!~~ty for the update- you made my day!

jan i sent a friend request if you don't mind. this will enable us to write back and forth thru baf e mail and it wont be on this public discussion forum

Ok Ron. Now all I need to do is find it lol I’m still learning this site. I’m on a heart forum for my own health problems and the forum there seems to be alot easier to use but I’m starting to get the hang of it hear so bear with me please lol

JM shes talking (whispering) and knows whats going on so shes doing well.The doctor told us shes really surprised on how fast she’s recovering.

great!! its up top right near inbox marked "friends"

Yes I found it thx. I added you :slight_smile:

jay i had a clipping done back in dec of 2013 and my wife and kids told me that i went after my breathing tube and even the i think your friend dont know what is going on....i know for sure i did not name is harry brunner and i am in mong county.....i am very close too pottstown pa.....i will keep your friend in my prayers and you also.....if u ever want to talk just pm me i am always on here...........god bless you and amanda

Thank you Harry! I will thanks. I have a few other questions. I’m trying to figure out how to message people on here so be patient with me lol

I was in ICU for 30 days and had 3 brain surgeries and I am told I was almost the same and Amanda. Hang in there. I dont remember anything while I was in there. It will be 2 years this July and I am back to work full time and doing better than I ever thought I would. I was also a trouble maker and pulled out my ventilator. Hugs, thoughts and prayers coming your way!