After-effect from aneurysm or something else?

I guess no one but me takes a bath, rather than a shower? It eliminates a lot of these issues My only concern with taking baths is that you have to have the leg and arm muscles to get yourself out of the tub. I asked my physical therapist (5 years ago) to demonstrate a method for me because I was pretty weak after a month in a hospital bed after the ruptured anni event.
Jackie J

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Ms. Jackie, I laughed and laughed. I took a bath yesterday, Saturday… I usually just take showers. I even take a shower before the occasional bath. I don’t like to be dirty and in the tub.

Good for you! And you were able to get yourself out! I told my husband that the first time I am too feeble to get out on my own he can call the firemen to rescue me. :blush: They are located just down the hill from us, so not too inconvenient for them.

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And Moltroub, that is very good advice! My mom was taking two RX meds for blood pressure, took a shower and was too weak to hold onto the grab bar in the assisted living’s shower. Down she went, breaking her femur in half and destroying her replaced hip joint. I hope many will read and heed your comments.

I don’t know why this happened when I hit the reply button for the quoted response from you, Moltroub.

I don’t know why either Ms. Jackie.

I hate it about your mom. It was n the advice of my Neurologist not to take hot showers due to increasing headaches. I used to be on a medication for my tachycardia which is normally given for high BP. The pharmacist warned me about the meds and hot showers. I’ve not been able to get the hypertension diagnosis off my medical charts. The only time I have had a high BP was when I accidentally gave myself 3rd degree burns and when they gave me meds in ICU to try to control the Vasospasms. I need to ask the members about that…

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Moltroub, I think the doctors prescribe a medicine, then add the appropriate diagnosis for the med. It must be easier than having to explain to insurance why you’ve been prescribed something that is “off label” for the drug. I’ve noticed this happening more since I turned 65. But to get that diagnosis out of your records seems really difficult.


Thanks Ms. Jackie

I am five years post aneurysm coiling. I also bruise easily, and am very sensitive to light noise, and crowds. I still get headaches. I’m sorry you don’t have insurance at this time, but there should be more options and insurance, or disability for people who have had traumatic brain injury. We have serious after affects that impact our way of life, but there is nothing out there to help get us through. I pray you find comfort and a solution. A neurologist could help you.

Years before my Aneurysm rupture, I was prescribed thyroid medication, and this stopped me from being freezing cold All the time. My rupture was in 2013, and I still struggle with memory. I attribute part of this to the brain shunt they had to put in when we realized the hemmorage from the rupture caused hydrocephalus (spinal fluids reversed direction.

The news from the neurosurgeon is that I will continue to be monitored.
Nothing has changed. He says it’s a possibility, that I’ve had these two “Annie’s” since my brain surgery in 2009. Apparently, at some point in this journey, I also had a minor TIA.

I am not about to “slow down”. I won’t let fear or anything else “not from God”, hinder my life! I’ve been blessed, and I will continue to bless others, through the ministries I am involved with. I am here to serve!

And while it’s possible for others to fall into depression, my prayer for all of you is this:

Father God, I rebuke satan’s attempts to disrupt the journey you have me on. Father, give me the strength and courage to continue this mission, and to share the Your Love with all around me. Father, I ask that you do the same, for the many others’ in this world who have been threatened by this “illness”. I ask that you put a hedge of protection around all of them, and that Your Angels accompany them. Father we know every good and perfect gift comes from you, and that Your Word promises that “you will never leave or forsake us”! We stand on that Word, and ask that we be shown mercy and grace as we embark on this journey, and forgive us, any doubt or fear. We ask this in JESUS NAME. AMEN <3

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I’m glad you’re not slowing down! Watching and waiting is rough, but doable. Keep up your good work!