3 Months....Migraines?

It is now 3 months since rupture and coiling. Overall all I am feeling a lot better. Much of my energy has returned and headaches are becoming less severe. Although things are on the up and up, I have had 4 migraines since January. I was not prone to migraines before the rupture. Has anyone else dealt with migraines?
I go next week for my first MRA. I did call my neurosurgeon and he ordered a CT scan. I’m just feeling a little anxious.

One of the ER Docs called my headaches Migrains. I finally got with a neurologist that I could work with. He suggested an SPG Block which I had done at my local hospital. I was one year post rupture. The first neurologist suggested I stop all medication as he felt they were causing the headaches and not the SAH. The second, and the one I’ve stayed with agreed with pain medication causing headaches and attempted several different types of medications that either I could not or because of past side effects, would not. I gave the SPG block a go, figured even if it was a placebo, what would it hurt. So I told myself daily it would work, and it has. Had no headaches worth mentioning for about three months, got a bad cold and started getting headaches but as the cold is going away the headache is diminishing. My neurologist staff told me they had treated a woman with the SPG Block who had suffered migraines for years, she had one treatment and hasn’t needed another. I hope I am so lucky.

I feel like the headaches we get after a rupture and coiling (or clipping, I’m my case) are not really “migraines,” per se, but rather very intense headaches as a result of the rupture, bleeding and surgery. I didn’t really get headaches before, but I did after. When I returned to work part time, they got worse from all the staring at the computer and the office lighting. So I took things slower and used oxycodone when I had to. Now 1.5 years later, knock on wood, the headaches don’t come very often and aren’t that painful. I think time does help. Ask your surgeon to recommend a regular neurologist who might be able to help or prescribe something in the meantime.

yes JaimeLynn I have migraines still. I too didn't have headaches before the rupture.

Mine was in 2004. I don't want to alarm you though, a lot of people here do NOT have them as long so don't lose hope. I find when I get tired, hungry, or with barometric changes with the weather I tend to get them worse. I also have small seizures so my neurologist feels my migraines and seizures go together. Again, not everyone ends up having seizures or migraines after an aneurysm. I joke with my neurologist that my brain just got really pissed off so is still being mean. We gotta keep our sense of humor! :)

I'll pray for you as you go for your scan, I remember going for my first MRAs the first few years, especially with the headaches, and feeling extremely scared and anxious. They all came back clear but I know how you are feeling...the 'what if' and the 'why am I having migraines now, something must be wrong'....

hang in there girl. I'd love to become your friend here and we could chat. I spent many sleepless nights reading posts here when I was up at night with migraines early on. Scared and wanting someone to talk to that understood.


Hi I have my 1 year angiogram tomorrow and to be honest I have been dealing with lots of migraines( which I think it’s more then a migraine) and lots of other problems since I had my aneurysm coiled. I am seeing a behavior therapist and neurologist because a person like myself that has so much head pain can’t never be in a great mood and anxiety and depression kicks in and it’s bad. Since the coiling I have had lots of painful days I haven’t had a pain free day

Hey there, I had my rupture in 2010, still get dizzy, have short term memory issues & headaches whenever the pressure goes below 30.00. So crazy. Don’t seem to be as bad or as long. Just annoying. Am scheduled for my MRA next week. Always makes me nervous. Hopefully it will get better. Time has been good to me.

I had clipping and no rupture. Very invasive surgery. Have had Tia’s since surgery but recently had a scary light stroke. I have had headaches and no energy for weeks now and went to ER after last episode for brain scan and no aneursym, thank God. Going to neurologist tomorrow to find what is going on. Medicine for headaches ER gave me helps a little but when wears off they are back again.I am anxious to feel better. Be strong and think positive and scan will be fine just as mine was. I know your feeling thinking it’s another aneursym. I never had headaches prior to surgery. Think they are related to coiling or clipping. You are in my prayers.

Headache every day for three months

Before I was released from the hospital in 2011, my neurologist changed my pain meds, and warned me that it would get worse before it got better. He put me on 400 mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) -100mg every 6 hours or so. This really does help. However, time is the biggest healer- that and protecting your head from the cold and visor type hats when you are in florescent lit areas. I still occasionally get a migraine when there is a severe barometric pressure drop. On rare occasions I still use vicodin, but a hot shower directly on the site of my shunt (in my head), which is always the location of the migraine, also often helps.

Thanks everyone for your support. I have been reading posts for weeks and finally decided to write. I know everyone here is in the same boat, which helps a lot.

Interesting to learn about SPG block...I have so promoted info on the sphenoid bone...and, now, to learn a bit about the palatine bone...I so think headaches and migraines are so related to coils / clips...and/or extravasated contrast agents...and, the cranial nerves affected...

Tho it is reasonable to understand w/access for clips...it gets so confusing to me with the minimally invasive coiling...

Moltroub said:

One of the ER Docs called my headaches Migrains. I finally got with a neurologist that I could work with. He suggested an SPG Block which I had done at my local hospital. I was one year post rupture. The first neurologist suggested I stop all medication as he felt they were causing the headaches and not the SAH. The second, and the one I've stayed with agreed with pain medication causing headaches and attempted several different types of medications that either I could not or because of past side effects, would not. I gave the SPG block a go, figured even if it was a placebo, what would it hurt. So I told myself daily it would work, and it has. Had no headaches worth mentioning for about three months, got a bad cold and started getting headaches but as the cold is going away the headache is diminishing. My neurologist staff told me they had treated a woman with the SPG Block who had suffered migraines for years, she had one treatment and hasn't needed another. I hope I am so lucky.