3 December 2023 members to welcome!

Morning y’all! It’s a bit of a rainy day today, I love the rain. We’ve been having a nice garden rain for a couple of days now. We drove to the bookstore to start off our holiday season, but the very nice woman Ms. Betty, that usually helps us, is off until January sometime with hip replacement surgery. It didn’t feel the same without her.

Homes have holiday lights up and it does give a person a feeling of anticipation. I recently talked to a young man who was already stressing about gift giving. Like many, money is tight and they have a new baby due this month. It’s something I’ve heard from many over the years. I suggested he do what my parents did for our family of six, give three gifts each, within the budget they’ve set. As kids, with no money, we always would make each other gifts. Decorations were also made for the most part. I recall when we would sit around the dining room table with Elmer’s White Glue, Dad’s pipe cleaners, the Reader’s Digest and some spray paint (used outside or in the garage of course) turning them into Christmas trees or angels. I shared the time Mom went to the Sears and Roebucks finding a big set of wooden ornaments that had to be painted before they were hung up. Lots of newspapers laid on that dining room table for that project. He had never heard of such a thing lol!

I need to stop reminiscing and get on with the task at hand, welcoming our new members! Starting us off this week is @tracib in California. Traci went to the ER because of a bad headache and pressure. She was given a CT scan and was diagnosed with a 7mm wide neck aneurysm on the right carotid opthalmalic artery. Neurosurgeon recommended a flow diverter stent and had her procedure Jan 25, 2022. Traci is a mom of two adult daughters, wife and owns her own real estate business! So happy to have you as a member, welcome! She’s also started her first topic found here Unruptured aneurysm treated with flow diverter!

@KCizek2 is in Indiana, Kayla just found out she has an aneurysm following a particularly bad migraine that put her in the bed for a few days. Her doctor suggested an MRI which she had a couple of months later and it showed a 4mm aneurysm in the communicating segment of her carotid artery. She now has to wait for her appointment to discuss the plan. Kayla is young at 36, is also a wife and mother of two as well as a Special Education teacher. I can imagine there’s a bit of anxiety with the waiting, remember to breathe Ms. Kayla. We know a thing or two about aneurysms and we can share our experiences. Welcome!

@Christen is down in Louisiana. Christen had a really bad headache in 2021, went to the ER and found out that she had a brain bleed. She actually had two aneurysms and one had ruptured. When they did the repair for the rupture, Cristen had a stroke. If that wasn’t enough, Cristen just found out that the aneurysm that had a stent has reoccurred and they want to put in more coils. Cristen is scared and we can certainly understand why especially having a five year old! Come talk to us Cristen!

@StacyB is up in Northern California which is a mighty pretty area of the State. Stacy says she has had brain surgery but we don’t know what type, yet. She is looking for people who understand what she’s going through. Stacy, we do if you’ve had a craniotomy or endovascular surgery. Come talk to us!

Please post a new topic everyone, either under General or Support tab. If you post under a different section, no worries, one of us will move it. Remember no full names, address, emails or phone numbers. If you want to talk to a person directly, just PM them. It’s really that simple!

Thank you for the welcome. I’ve already found some anxiety relief being a part of this community.

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