2nd clipping surgery?

I will be going in for my second clipping next week. First one was 4 years ago and this one was not there at all last time. Anyone been through a 2nd clipping?

Welcome, and wishing you the best. Hope you get grand responses; I personally know one who had three diagnosed; the one ruptured and was treated; the other two, a few months later.

Prayers for your success

Praying that all goes well Sara…! Cyber~thoughts your way…Colleen

Hi Sara,

I've had the PED, so I cannot comment on clipping. I just wanted to wish you well with your surgery and for a speedy recovery!

Best wishes,


Hi Sara, I have not been on here forever and I just wanted to check in on you and I read this…I am speechless! Lease key me know how you are doing! I’m worried about you!

Hi Sara

1 coiled annie confirmed this week to be safe and sealed, 2nd annie 4.5mm wide neck on watch n wait. Have heard of those who have had more than one clipping or more than one discovered at different times and all safe and sound.

Thoughts and prayers for your up n coming clipping

Best Wishes
