1 Year Check-Up

Been awhile since I was here, but I wanted to give a quick update. Went in for my 1 year check up (post-clipping) CT angiogram a couple of weeks ago. I have been informed by my neuro that I have a perfectly wonderful noggin! My next scheduled check-up will be July 2017! Since the clipping I have finished all of my grad school coursework and begin my internship in a few weeks. Dec. 2010=rupture... July 2011=clipping... Dec. 2012=2 masters degrees. I'm a walking miracle!!!


Congratulations on your Perfectly, Wonderful Noggin...~ Awesome News...and Congrats on everything you accomplished in your last year...You are a true Survivor...~ Colleen

congrats on a wonderful noggin!!!! congrats on the masters :)

Wow… You truly are a miracle. God bless you.