Weight gain

Can anyone tell me if they had a problem with weight gain after their rupture? I have never had a weight problem in my life.

My rupture was 9/17/06. I weighed 120 pds and by 6/08 I weighed 175

I then suffered a pulmonary embolism, lost almost 40 pounds in my 2 week hospital stay, and have now climbed back to 165.

I watch what I eat, and seems like no matter what I do, I gain. My DR hasn't been much help, he sent me to a dietician who said drink more water and eat more protein.

My rupture did send me through menopause, but I cannot keep gaining like this. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

I have put on weight but figured partly because I laid in bed for a month and partly because my activity was mainly focused on brain activity and not physical activity. I have never had a weight problem and have never been on a diet but it looks like its time to start. I am also in menopause which may account for some.

Hi Joni,

I gained weight after my ruptured aneurysm. Was exhausted at the end of the day. Then I was losing weight. had the aneurysm coiling and vein graft. Put on about 25 pounds. It is hard for me to exercise because I still have two small aneurysm’s and now I have a small one near my heart.

Sorry not uch help but I wanted you to know that your not alone.

Take Care

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Thanks Ken. I also have 3 more aneurysms PLUS I am on blood thinners…so I am scared to do anything, but know I must. Weight gain is not good for blood pressure and we know high bp is not good for aneurysms. I feel like I am in a catch 22.

Ken Stratmann said:

Hi Joni,

I gained weight after my ruptured aneurysm. Was exhausted at the end of the day. Then I was losing weight. had the aneurysm coiling and vein graft. Put on about 25 pounds. It is hard for me to exercise because I still have two small aneurysm’s and now I have a small one near my heart.

Sorry not uch help but I wanted you to know that your not alone.

Take Care

Hi Joni,

I know. I am eating a lot of fruit, smart ones for lunch and those low calorine breakfest bars in the morning. I am trying the best I can. I go see my Dr. Tomorrow because of the annie near my heart. Little nervous.

Take Care

Joni said:

Thanks Ken. I also have 3 more aneurysms PLUS I am on blood thinners…so I am scared to do anything, but know I must. Weight gain is not good for blood pressure and we know high bp is not good for aneurysms. I feel like I am in a catch 22.

Ken Stratmann said:
Hi Joni,

I gained weight after my ruptured aneurysm. Was exhausted at the end of the day. Then I was losing weight. had the aneurysm coiling and vein graft. Put on about 25 pounds. It is hard for me to exercise because I still have two small aneurysm’s and now I have a small one near my heart.

Sorry not uch help but I wanted you to know that your not alone.

Take Care

Hi Joni, I have the same problem. After my rupture I lost about 30 pounds and was at just the right size, maybe a little thin. Then a year later after I had a stroke from a brain surgery I have packed the pounds on, probably like 50 pounds. I have had a thyroid problem but was controlling it. I have been telling my doctor since 2008 that there is something wrong with my body and nobody believes me. I do not eat a lot, can keep my calories between 1200 and 1500 most days. I don’t know what to do. I did stop exercising in September when I had my thyroid surgery and am trying to get back on track now. My doctor did test some of my hormones and they were all ok. It is so frustrating though, I can’t deal with it and just don’t know where to turn next. I am really going to try to hit the exercise hard to see if that makes a difference.

Ken, my Uncle had an aneurysm near his heart, in December he had open heart surgery and is doing fantastic. It was a success and he feels great now. It is amazing what they can do. It’s a good thing they know it is there and can watch it and treat it when necessary. That’s what they did with my Uncle, they watched it for a while then decided it was time for surgery.

I wish you the best tomorrow. I know it doesn’t help, but try to focus on how far you have come with all you have been through.

Ken Stratmann said:

Hi Joni,

I know. I am eating a lot of fruit, smart ones for lunch and those low calorine breakfest bars in the morning. I am trying the best I can. I go see my Dr. Tomorrow because of the annie near my heart. Little nervous.

Take Care

Joni said:
Thanks Ken. I also have 3 more aneurysms PLUS I am on blood thinners…so I am scared to do anything, but know I must. Weight gain is not good for blood pressure and we know high bp is not good for aneurysms. I feel like I am in a catch 22.

Ken Stratmann said:
Hi Joni,

I gained weight after my ruptured aneurysm. Was exhausted at the end of the day. Then I was losing weight. had the aneurysm coiling and vein graft. Put on about 25 pounds. It is hard for me to exercise because I still have two small aneurysm’s and now I have a small one near my heart.

Sorry not uch help but I wanted you to know that your not alone.

Take Care

My Dr did the hormone tests, which showed I had gone through menopause, due to the location of the bleed. I have no thyroid problems and I eat less than 1200 calories a day. Now my Dr is saying I have reactive hypoglycemia which is causing the weight gain. I eat, then my sugars go low, my heart beats terribly fast, I get shakey and eat and eventually feel better. These Drs are good at throwing out a diagnosis, but not very good at telling me how to fix it. You are right, it is very frustrating!!

Shelly Schafer said:

Hi Joni, I have the same problem. After my rupture I lost about 30 pounds and was at just the right size, maybe a little thin. Then a year later after I had a stroke from a brain surgery I have packed the pounds on, probably like 50 pounds. I have had a thyroid problem but was controlling it. I have been telling my doctor since 2008 that there is something wrong with my body and nobody believes me. I do not eat a lot, can keep my calories between 1200 and 1500 most days. I don’t know what to do. I did stop exercising in September when I had my thyroid surgery and am trying to get back on track now. My doctor did test some of my hormones and they were all ok. It is so frustrating though, I can’t deal with it and just don’t know where to turn next. I am really going to try to hit the exercise hard to see if that makes a difference.

I am sorry that you are all going through the weight gain but I find comfort for myself that I am not alone. I had my Any clipped in March. Had blood clots in right leg and lungs a week later. I am on blood thinners. so frustrating because I have to watch what food I eat because of vitamin K. I am on a diuretic as well to help with water retention. Not much help either. At the end of the day I feel like a balloon. I lost some weight about 2 years ago and have gained it all back. I am so discouraged I just cry. I do exercise, These last two weeks I have been up and down stairs and walked about 10 miles but gained weight. Some say “go to the gym” , walk daily, but somedays it is all I can do to get home after 8 hours at work and fix dinner and do housework. I wish you luck on your attempt to lose weight. Oh by the way, I drink approximately 52 ounces of water a day and don’t see any benefit except that my legs look like water balloons. I hope someone out there has some other suggestions.

Hi Nancy, I totally understand and feel the same frustrations. Working a full time job is all I can do most days. It is getting better. My husband and I just started back to walking 30 minutes, about 1.5 miles every day and it is getting easier. Still tough for me some days. We also started really counting calories and watching what and how much we eat and cooking at home instead of going out all the time. My doctor gave me a great website that is so helpful, it is www.myfitnesspal.com. Good luck and don’t give up, it will all come together.

Hi Joni, I had the same problem I lost heaps of weight in hospital and then gained over 10kgs since ive been home. They put me on steroids for a while after the surgery to help with my recovery and during that time i had a really big appetite an i think it just stuffed me up a bit an… also my hormones. but if you find an explanation please share it with me cause i would be interested to know… i think im going to try and exercise more to try and speed up my metabolism. Good luck :slight_smile:

hi joni,im DeAnna,and yes i have had weight gain 75lbs,its from the lyrica im on,does your doctor have you on everyday meds to control the pain? they have me on lyrica…i had just left ken 3 messages so long i had to cut them in to 3 parts,lol but i was just telling him about my weight gain,listen to me,go to your address bar and type in “scarsdale medical diet” its a 2 week on and 2 week off diet ive lost 41 lbs in 4 weeks…you can not loose on this diet,the second week is a repete of the first.today is my first day of the second week…the breakfast is always the same 1/2 slice grapfriut and protine bread,you can eat all the carrots and celery and all the diet soda ya want,any time…ive ben dring this vidration water,no calories or salt just 0 all the way down but with added vitimans,and if ya dont like grapfruit dring 8oz of orange juice,the first days lunch is cold cuts,and tomatoes,and the dinner is fish,or salmon salad,the second it all the fruit ya can eat for lunch and then my fav,all the lean groung beef ya can eat…and ya can have all the condaments,except mayo or salad dressing with fat…1 day is chees slices as much as ya want,but they mean until your full,and not pig out,and protine bread so i pop bread in the toster and add chees and microwave,a then 2 times a week is all the bbq chicken ya eat and the last day is all the steak ya can eat,then ya repete the first week,and i promise you will loose 20lb in 2 weeks…please check it out everyone whos also having weight problems after our annes

i have found the best diet,not diet food and all good food,type in’scarsdale medical diet’ if ya go to barns and nobles they have a soft copy thats 4.99,theres 20 differant diets,for those who want to all out cook or the medical diet with regular food,ive lost 41lb in 4 weeks,my 18 yr old son has lost 30lb …ya loose it real quick if ya have more to loose…i pray all of you who need to keep the weight down,please just try it,its all food you are eatting now,its only the combination of foods together,that cause the weight to fall off…i double dog dare ya to try it,and you will loose,loose and loose more.im on the second day of the second week,i cant wait to go and weigh in at the dr’s even my doctor is now on it,its a old diet,the doctor is dr,scarsdale and his wife killed him many years back.but,the soft copy is around for 4.99

Hi Joni and Everyone,

I have read many articles about what happens to your hormones after a rupture. Please read the following articles, print them out and go to a really good PITUITARY specialist.



Please contact an endocrinologist who specializes in pituitary disfunction:

What it comes down to is that when you have a rupture (or if you had a clipping close to your pituitary gland), the blood pours into the little bone cup that holds the pituitary gland in the center of the brain. The blood poisons the pituitary gland and it shuts down. Your pituitary gland is what decides your weight, your heart rate, the amount of sweat your body puts out, your sexual hormones, how your kidneys function, your blood pressure, EVERY aspect of your bodily functions.
It is the master gland. Please, please, please get your hormones tested by an endocrinologist who specializes in pituitary disfuction (not your local endocrinologist or GP).

Good luck!

hi julie,i have had to go to a endocrinologist,ive been producing milk like a new mom.so when i went to my dr,she sent me for aa mamogram…and the dr said he knows what the problem,i have a pituitary tumor…well i then was sent to the endocrinologist,and he said all blood tests show,its not a pituitary problem,so back to not knowing except when i got a cat scan it shows i have a mass either around the pituitary,but on the optic nurve.and as it happens i had a stroke in my right eye 1 month after i came home…no one knows and i have medicaide,so there isnt a doctor in my whle area that i can go to,so they say…i sure dont know who or what type of dr to see now,and neither does my primary dr…but i thank you so much for that explaination.no one has told me this,i had no idea about a little bone cup,aint that something.not even 1 of 3 doctors could tell me what you have just explained to me…i can now better ask question and,i BETTER get some answers…i was first told o no big deal,we go throught the nose and take it out,and now i cant even find out if it could be cancer,so not i am scared of course,but,what can i do,i had the best ins,and once my husband and i split,he cancelled both mine and our 6 yr old sons ins,we both have asthma and have been in respitory arrest…so no ins will come near me with pre-exsisting condition,and i couldnt affords it now anyway…i am thank full for this site,i’ll bet between all of us we know more than our regular doctors…thank you now i have a mouth full of questions and i can use what ive just learned to even speek of it to another dr,and i wont just been speechless cuz i dont know whats happening to of asked befor,thank you god bless

Nice to hear that I am not the only one who has gained an extra 40 pounds… We just got back from vacation and although I do move slower, the walking felt wonderful. I believe the greater majority of us suffer from the extreme exhaustion and I am sure our metabolism has changed since our clipping and/or coiling. I cannot understand or clarify the reasoning for this. I have tried two different diets but to no avail. Although I am in a fast paced job, by the time I get home in the evening, I am more than ready to drop. Exercise is not an option for me when I get home, my head throbs and I go right for a pain killer. I would be very interested in hearing of any way to combat this, combat the extreme fatigue and have the bikini body I never had!!

I am really glad to read this thread. I had my clipping 6 months ago and have been having all sorts of problems with my hormones and weight. I thought I was going crazy, none of my Drs have had any kind of answers for me. At least now I have a better idea of what to ask them about.


What state do you live in? Some doctors do pro bono (free or close to it) work, and maybe I can find one in your area.
Read the following article about ruptures in pituitary glands and aneurysms.
I have a pituitary gland tumor too! Mine is ACTH, your’s sound like it’s LH.
God Bless You, too!

omg your a blessing. i have to say i dont know what a acth or lh is,but im gonna look it up,if it comes up from my addres bar…i live in florida,homosassa…the 2 big hospitals is tampa general which is where i had my surhery done and shands in gainsville,im between them both,and i can get there by way of the trancit but covered by medicaide for $1…ok i tried to read and understand what the links you posted,and i am still after 4 yrs having trouble with understanding what i read…its almost like the afasha,if thats how its spelled…i just cant remember the right words to put a sentence together to make another one understand…thank you julie,can you tell me what acth and lh is…do you lactate.im 50 and havent had a kid in 18 yrs but i leek like a split hose…my eye hurts alot to,somethimes i cant even bend over,and it swells up.im sure glad u r on here dear…