Vascular dementia

My mum had an hemeorrage nearly 2 years ago which has now resulted in vascular dementia. She is losing weight and tells me she is lifeless. She is in a brilliant care unit and they are angels with her. However I still feel helpless to her needs . If only I could see how things were from mams side. Can any one give my any answers or help on this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


Hello Melanie! Sorry to hear about your Mum’s difficulties. How old is she?

Have you thought of consulting with the carers at the unit to see what they suggest?

Stay strong!



I agree with Seenie, talk to the careers, sounds like they would be open to communication. The other thing I would do is talk to your mum during her lucid times.

I had an uncle that was a brilliant man. He developed Alzheimer’s. I realize its not the same as Vascular Dementia but symptoms are similar. So from that angle, we all discussed his feelings during the time he was lucid. We also discussed his wishes. Mostly we just let him know how much he was loved. Oh and when I say “we”, there are a bunch of us…we just didn’t bombard him. It worked out most of the time that one of us was around when he was lucid. We always let him take the lead on those days. On the days he wasn’t, we just gossiped about family and what we had done since we last saw him last, reminded him of things he and his siblings had done.