The Story of My Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysm in June 2010

Below is a link to my story. It hasn't been updated in a while and I plan to fix that in a couple of weeks. I go for a follow-up Angiogram in two weeks. The first and second follow-ups showed some coil compaction so this has become an unpleasant routine.

I hope you find the story useful and I am here to answer any questions. By the way, I now volunteer at a local hospital. It took a while to get to this point but I thought I could pass on my experience and help others who are as scared as I was on that fateful day. It has been very fulfilling.

My Story

My VIdeo

wow factor 9.9!!! great job your recall is outstanding-i am 3 yrs post sah & recall nothing of day 1 thru 5 since i was unconcious, glad your here since this is such a loving, supportive group. Also glad to hear your volunteering- i also did that helping verify them testing smoke alarms at the nursing home where i was previously employed. May God give us all the strength & fortitude to carry on! ps- your "comfortably numb" song cracked me up- also had that in my head!! My mra tech asked me if i wanted music so i said sure!- 1st song was "i thought my life would be different by now"-i smirked, 2nd song was "shock the monkey"- i literally lol !! thanks for the input!

Wow! Quite a story! You've captured such great details in your writing, I honestly could not stop reading! Welcome, glad you made it! =)


You could not have told that story better.. I'm so glad you have healed.. Prayers are with you!!!!