Sweating excessively after aneurysm

I was wondering if someone could provide me with some insight. My mother suffered 2 burst aneurysm in late August, she’s currently in rehab, she had a craniotomy, we haven’t scheduled her cranioplasty yet, doctors want to make sure she’s fully stable for the procedure. I noticed she sweats constantly, excessively. I’m not sure why, I have asked the nurse/provider and all I get is due to the brain injury and no other explanation. But does anyone know why? And what’s the best way to control this ? Has anyone gone through this ? Any advice I will highly appreciate it.

Thank you,

That’s a very interesting question…I’m the exact opposite since rupture, I freeze all the time. If it’s 65 outside, I’m dressed like it’s 45. I have some damage around the hypothalamus which controls body temperature. Though if I take my temperature, it doesn’t show that I’m exceedingly low, usually around 97.2. If you know which part of your mother’s brain was damaged, it may help members as many are quite knowledgeable about specific brain functions. My rupture was at the LICA bifurcation, so it’s the left internal carotid artery where it splits. It’s near the top of the Circle of Willis.


Thank you so much for your response! I will look further to where exactly my moms aneurysm rupture. I appreciate your guidance.

You’re very welcome! Another thing to find out is the Fischer Level. This is the amount of blood that has leaked into the brain. It helps the doctors in determining the amount of damage. I had a Fischer Level III which is a good bit of blood, greater than 1mm in the subarachnoid space. I have a lot of blood stains. When I ruptured, the Doctors didn’t know how bad I would be or if I would even wake up. It took them all night to stabilize me just for my first coiling. The doctors warned my BH not to expect much. They warned BH every day that they didn’t think I would make it. I vasospasmed for at least 21 days, so check to see if this has happened to your mom. Vasospasms stop the flow of blood to different areas of the brain, depending on where the artery is having vasospasms. They can cause ischemic strokes. Please remember that although the doctors who practice neurosurgery are excellent, there is so much they still don’t know about the brain. So when they say they don’t know, they aren’t hedging, they aren’t lying, they are simply being honest.