Social security

I had my ruptured anerysums July 2015. Currently no income, I did not have benefits through work. Has anyone filed and received Social Security?

Trisha...there is a group "Disabilities"...on the second page of Groups...

and, can also search SS Disability on-line...

We all have varied so much on promptness to difficulty needing attorneys, etc...

So glad for you are asking fairly early...

one thing I do not know, is if you can get your applications...and, some how SS Disability is connected with the states' staffs...I cannot explain that...but the Group site should be so helpful...

Check out your state for help on any disability they may have...

Wishing you best..

Hi, It is SO hard to find things on this site, especially since many of us have cognitive issues! In case you can’t find the disability posts, I have received social security disability for cognitive issues on my first try. I may have been successful because I have documented the problems in the medical record. That is what is most important, and having your doctors corroborate that you won’t be able to do your previous job or any job you would realistically be considered for. It would be good to try to return to your career and fail, or be told that you no longer have the skills necessary by an employer. In that case, have your supervisor write a letter to your doctor. Anything in the medical record is considered evidence. Your spouse/partner/children/family can write a letter with their perception of your skills, such as whether you can handle your bank, shop by yourself, plan a vacation, etc. Keep your own records of workplace issues, job interviews,incidents getting lost going to a known destination, depression/anxiety, seizures, imbalance, etc. Give the list to the doctor. Document, document, document. “Aneurysm” isn’t as successful as “hemorrhagic stroke”-- same thing in my case, but if you had a bleed you can use that wording. Don’t lie, don’t exaggerate, because they use several sources to confirm what you have told them.In a way it’s a good thing to have received disability, but in another, it has affected my self-perception, seeing myself labeled as disabled. But I truly could not do my previous job and would be unable to be trained to do another job because I can’t learn new computer programs, and don’t have the energy to go beyond an hour or two without a rest. I can’t do elementary school math with any accuracy. I may have waited to long to apply, since my last job was such a defeat for me psychologically. My original aneurysm was 20 years ago and I worked since then, until I had a second brain surgery last year that sent me in a tailspin. Good luck with it!

Thank you for the responses. It is a start.