Signs of growing anueryism?

Are there signs that an aneurysm is growing or becoming more dangerous before it actually ruptures?

My aneurysm has not ruptured. It was found a few months ago on a CTA scan in the ER. It’s 4mm, basilar artery. I saw a neurologist who isn’t concerned about it (come back in a year). Dr. diagnosed my excruciating headache and accompanying symptoms (blurred vision, tinnitus, vertigo, light/sound sensitivity) as a migraine.

No problems for six months until I’ve developed a relentless, low-to-moderate pain headache in the back of my skull and temples. I’ve had it nonstop for two weeks, with returning tinnitus. I don’t want to be an alarmist, but I am, because there is an aneurysm even if it’s not a big deal one.

It’s close to impossible to get a neurology appt in a reasonable amount of time even when you have a doctor. Again, my doctor doesn’t seem all that concerned when I reached him via email but I can’t stop worrying. The most he told me is that if I was in trouble, “I’ll know.”

I’d obviously rather not wait until it’s emergency but is that usually what happens? Should I trust this guy or look for another doctor? I did see my primary care doctor first and she said to see the neurologist. I’m baffled.

The only thing I’ve read about is when aneurysms become so large they push on a nerve or other entity that affects function of that part. Go to the BAF website and do some reading. Don’t make your life centered around your aneurysm. It’s not healthy. Read posts about all the folks that have found out like you did, incidentally. Look how they manage the watch and wait.

Migraines can show in many different ways. There’s even a diagnosis of atypical migraines.

There’s nothing I’ve ever read in research that says you’ll have any symptoms before a rupture. The doctor is correct, if you ever rupture, you will know it. Brain surgery whether it’s a crainiotomy or coiling is nothing to take lightly. A lot of things can go wrong.

And yes for 30,000 of us who rupture yearly. Can’t advise if you should trust someone or not, that’s a personal choice. Your PCP is acknowledging that this is out of her sphere of expertise, IMHO, she was correct in telling you to go to the neurologist. Your neurologist can put you on medicine for migraines. Mine put me on magnesium oxide. I forget the dose, but the pharmacist keeps it with them behind the counter, although it’s an otc and where I live, you have to tell the pharmacist the doctor who prescribed it and why.

While you’re waiting for your neurology appointment, make sure you are hydrated, eat properly. The tinnitus can happen to anyone, use a fan, one of those white noise machines, or there’s lots of other suggestions members have posted.

You might want to touch base with a therapist. They can help you balance your life.

My surgeon did not believe in the 5 mm or greater to operate rule – – everything is based on the type of aneurysm and it’s location. If it’s really bothering you, you should definitely get a second for even a third opinion. Having a doctor say that you’ll know when it happens, is absolutely ridiculous as far as I’m concerned.You owe it to yourself to get another opinion.


Do not do nothing. I had a 3mm cerebral aneurysm which ruptured. For 18 months before it ruptured I had terrible headaches and a numbness in my right arm. Apparently because my aneurysm was only 3mm and I had low blood pressure doctors would have told me to wait it out. I didn’t get chance to wait it out as it ruptured and surprised everyone. My doctors said that the numbness in my arm was nothing to do with my aneurysm but it must have been because as soon as it ruptured the numbness went away. Keep going to get second and third opinions - every case is different. Doctors are only human and they often get it wrong so keep pushing. Save your own life


I learned about my aneurism also as a random finding—I had left side numbness, ended up in the ER, and was diagnosed with atypical migraine, but also the aneurism was discovered. Despite its small size, it was in a location which frequently ruptures. When I learned that I wasn’t a candidate for endoscopic repair I decided to have a clipping with craniotomy. Best decision I’ve ever made—I’m a year out, CTA was clear, and it’s grest to live without the anxiety of a rupture.