New and scared

I am new here, 33. I had been having investigations done for sinus/ear issues, dizziness and nausea for the last year. It’s been quite frustrating and I have been hoping to get my life back soon. Today I found out at a visit to a walk in clinic that my MRI shows a 2mm cerebral aneurism. I was shocked and terrified! The doctor didn’t know much about aneurysms. Said it isn’t her area of expertise. Now I am waiting to see a Neurologist and it could be weeks. I have just read a bit online and the idea of “Watching and waiting” is my worst nightmare, what if it ruptures while we wait? I would love to hear some feedback from others. Thanks for letting me vent :slight_smile:

HI Michelle,

I am going through the exact same thing just dx with a 2mm aneurysm in the Middle Cerebral Artery. Over 3 yrs ago I had brain surgery for a malformation that hemorrhaged and caused significant problems. I am trusting God through this I am also very scared. I get and Angio CT soon and then ref. back to my Neurosurgeon, who ever wants to go back! UGH I am 40 yrs old. I feel your pain. Feel free to talk to me here as much as possible. MY name is Heidi Hebert (heidigirl ) on Facebook, look me up anytime.

Hi Heidi
Sorry to hear you are going through this as well. I don’t know much at this point but it’s all pretty terrifying! Mine is on the anterior communicating artery… Not sure what that means. Hang in there Heidi, I would love to talk any time :slight_smile:

Hi, watch this video, it might make you feel better! I've had a 4mm one for 18 monthsand watching it. No growth, so I'm still watching. Sometimes they never rupture. Just don't smoke, get hypertension or drink heavy!

This video is newer and from UCLA. Lots of information, it really helped me!

Hi ,

A lot depends on where the aneurysm is located, and if your aneurysm is matter what the size a growing annie is one to be concerned with... An MRI is great for lots of things,but not necessarily for detecting the size of an anuerysm -- and you really need a clearer diagnostic test such as an Angiogram with Contrast dye..this is considered to be "thee test" when it comes to this sort of thing.

Also, you need to see an Neurosurgeon , not a Neurologist (A Neurologist is wonderful for the treatment of pain, for other maladies such as Alzheimers/Dementia, and a host of other things...a Neurosurgeon is just what the name implies, a surgeon who performs brain surgery. Also in the mix are Neuro Radioligists--which are doctors who specialize in the blood vessels and who can perform such procedures as Coiling of brain aneurysms) ...

I'm sorry you've been dealing with dizzyness, nausea and the like for so long...many doctors will go so far to say that your aneurysm isn't the culprit of these woes, but I really wonder about that proclamation myself. The good thing is they did locate something that shouldn't be in your head--this is the best way to make sure the aneurysm gets dealt with before catastrophe should strike. You're ahead of the game, you've gotton a 'heads up'.

I understand your fright (I've undergone 2 clipping surgeries and a coil) , but really, count yourself as lucky on this discovery...take care, Janet

Thanks so much everyone, all of this information is very helpful. I appreciate you taking the time and sending kind and informative info :wink:
I am very happy this site exists.

Thanks very much, this is a very informative video! :slight_smile:

HI Michelle,

There are MANY of us in the same boat (unfortunately). I was diagnosed with an unruptured brain aneurysm on Oct 2nd. I think for me the hardest part was there was NO information out there on what a PATIENT can expect. Plenty on stats, procedures, etc. but nothing from a survivors POV. Because of that, I decided to start a video blog of my journey. I've only done 4 so far and just had my angiogram last week but I do cover quite a bit and hopefully it will help you: If you have ANY questions, you are more than welcome to email me: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. There are also some really awesome support groups on Facebook. One of the main ones is the Joe Niekro Foundation: but if you enter brain aneurysm you'll see there are quite a few.

Good luck and know that we are here for you!


hi Michele! Welcome! glad you found the best support site for b/a's on the planet! naaa your not venting!! its what we do!!-people here are very very understanding and we love interaction. I have the sinus pressure/ allergies too and it is a real pain, I also had inner ear infection that created severe spinning dizzy spells upon arising and lying down in bed- this was so scary but thank God it was a easily treated ailment with amoxicillin. so sorry your going thru all this and i'll keep you in thoughts and prayers~~

Hi Michelle...

You should be seeing a Neurosurgeon...and then a test (angiogram) to verify the size, location, etc., of the brain aneurysm...from there you will have options...

Also, You will see many of us "watch and wait"...I have had one brain aneurysm coiled and I have another that is 2 mm behind my eye that they are hasn't grown any since found 3 years ago...and I am careful to live (as much as one can) healthy life...I try to avoid unwanted stress, no over indulge drinking, no heavy lifting...etc.,

It takes time and many emotions...but part of this journey is "acceptance"...and living life for Today...

Gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen

Hi Michelle!

I'm in the same boat as you. I have had episodes of vertigo a few times a week. Through the testing for that, I found out on October 16th that I have a 2mm annie. I have an appointment set up with a neurosurgeon on the 20th. It has been very difficult to live life knowing it could rupture at any time. I already have panic disorder (anxiety), so the idea of waiting is my worst nightmare also. Sending thoughts your way.

Hi Sandy
Yes our situations sound very similar? It blows my mind to think I never would have known about this if I wasn’t hav

Oops lol having vertigo or ear issues. I am waiting for my neurosurgeon apt too but am told all they will do is wait. Great hearing from you, please keep me posted!!

Yes, thank you for the dizziness:) I'm especially thankful because I do (or did) weight lifting several times a week. I had stopped a couple weeks before my MRA because the vertigo was so bad.

I don't know what's worse; the idea of having brain surgery, or waiting. I will keep you posted and you please do the same with me.

Oh that’s scary!!! I am glad you stopped weight lifting!
I think I definitely want surgery as soon as they will do it. I don’t want to walk around with this thing in my brain one second longer than I have to… But I doubt they will take it out unless it grows. I will have to wait and see what the surgeon says.