Questions about Exercise and Weight-Lifting or Squats

I am gearing up to do a total health overhaul. I am already consulting my neurosurgeon and interventional radiologist to be sure of what all I am allowed to do and what limitations are imposed at this time on a work out regimen.

I am new to the group and wanted to know if anyone, post coiling, did weights and strength training and how soon after they were able to do so. Has anyone else had pseudotumor cerebri with aneurysms? I was treated for 2 aneurysms discovered last August. The first was coiled in September and the second was recently coiled this month. I was also diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri and need to work out and change my diet to lose weight. I have already lost about 30 pounds. Still have a long way to go. I was afraid to do weights or even squats for that matter until the other aneurysm was coiled.

I am recovering from the second coiling ok enough with the exception of some visual changes immediately after that resolved with steroids and some headaches that weren't really bothersome before. Pretty much, I am just scared to death and want to get my stuff together so to speak. I've given up artificial sweeteners and feel like I will eventually have to become a vegan living like a Tibetan monk. I guess I will take that if I can still have wine and Tito's occasionally.

Hi Shawna,
Congratulations on losing 30 lbs! I have pseudotumor cerebri. My aneurysm was clipped in Sept. this year and I was diagnosed with PTC in June. I too am looking into an attempt at losing weight. I lost some after surgery but have gained most of it back (those darn Christmas cookies). Even though I am new to all of this too if I can help in any way please let me know.


Lifting any weight depends on how you position your head. My wife for example cannot bend her head towards the floor when lifting something even remotely heavy otherwise she'll get an explosive migraine immediately (clipping 1994). Over time she has learned how to keep her head upright when lifting. Spiking blood pressure will be your enemy when lifting. My preference would be to see you increase endurance rather then lifting heavy weight. Just some food for thought. Good luck.


Hi Shawna...Congratulations on losing 30 pounds...Way to Go...~ I have always been physically active...and when I was was hard not to exercise and I had too many problems afterwards to exercise...but I could walk...went back to walking 2 months after after I came home from hospital...I would walk the house and then I walked the driveway and then I built up to 4 miles daily...about 1 1/2 years after coiling...I started strength training...but I only use 5 pound weights...and just try and up my endurance...afraid of anything heavier...~ like Ed's wife...I can't bend my head over .. and I can do situps for abs...but nothing that lifts at my neck...~ Colleen

Thank you Ed. I think I may be getting too ahead of myself. Years before this happened I had a trainer and dropped weight pretty fast. I was hoping to do that again but don't want to do any further damage in the process. I guess I am learning patience whether I like it or not. Thank you for responding and giving me tips on your wife's experiences. I do notice a mild to moderate sharp pain just from bending down the wrong way from time to time.

Thank you, Colleen! Thank you for the encouragement and response. I have a long way to go but I'm glad to be able to move and get to doing something about it. I was really curious about the ab work. I want to tighten and tone as I lose and have not done a sit up in forever because I was scared I would literally blow the other aneurysm. Now that it's coiled I still want to be careful not to do too much too soon. I think I may back away from the weights still after hearing about a year and a half. It's so good to hear of someone being able to do sit ups. Do you do crunches or a particular video? Do you do the ones where you alternate pulling your knees to your chest? I don't know the proper name for them. Have you done water aerobics or liked it? I'm trying to come up with a plan of some sort. Sorry for all of the questions but I appreciate your help and all of the info.


Impressive - 4 miles - that's fantastic. I've slacked off my walking program the last few years mainly because there was so little time to get it in. Having read your response I must get my winter walking clothes and skin back in gear. Keep up the good work!


I live Ed in Downtown Indianapolis and Florida...and when I am in Florida I do 4 miles in Indianapolis...I split it up ~ two miles in morning and two miles in the I miss a day here and there for snow and very cold right now...but I try and take in to consideration everything I do ... even up and down steps is exercise...I must tell you Ed...walking is my "peace of mind"...not only does it help me physically, but mentally it is my time...often I do my praying, my thinking and sometimes I am just in the moment...Good Luck Ed...My dad has walked 4 miles a day (7 days a week) for about 40 years...he is 83 and continues to walk...~ Good luck ~ Colleen

I lay on the floor and do a lot of bicycle without using my neck...I found some of the Strength training cardio from the show "Biggest Loser" has in particular...I will get the name for you...but they do must of the ab work standing up ... changing it up with kick boxing etc., it really helped me out...and helped some shoulder pain I have...I find that mixing up your routine is great...swim aerobics, walking/run/sprint, strength training, put music on and dance, and don't forget to count other activities...I have steps in my house and I am up and down hundreds of times...burn calories in the fall rakeing leaves, cleaning house, etc., so many ways...oh a great calorie jumping jacks...see you hit a good topic of mine...hahahhahahaha....will get you the name of the DVD...

Hi Shawna,

I was coiled the end of May. I still get pains in my head if I bend my head forward. I have to keep my head upright to pick something up. I am still too worried to lift anything slightly heavy. I too got visual disturbances as soon as I came around from the anesthetic. I had them for a while and then they stopped and returned a few weeks ago. The neurosurgeon said red wine was OK! Happy Christmas.

Eve x

Well done Colleen!You give me hope.

Eve x

Thank you, Eve! I've noticed occasional headaches and twinges of pain with this coiling. Granted, it's only been a little over a week since my second coiling. I was nervous because I didn't have any headaches with the first coiling. It's good to have perspective on what to expect down the line. I am doing my best to stay calm and positive. Thank you for the insight.

Thank you, Colleen. I will have to mix things up and go with water exercises because of my knee issues. I might be able to alter some kick boxing moves. It sounds like fun! Thank you for the tips. I look forward to looking up the name of the DVD.